I guess the Turks weren't figuring on such a fuss when they bought the S400 or they they are really trying to upset NATO which it looks like they have done both
Heh!, Heh!, Heh!, Mr. Erdogan is just playing games, and it does indeed appear that he will be buying the S-400, so NO he won't be getting the F-35! So hey, let him buy a hundred SU-57s, Sukhoi needs the money....
I feel very sorry for the Turkish people, those who have been our friends, and remain our friends, but Turkey like the US is in the middle of what could be loosely called a "Civil War", a war of ideologies that will determine their future...
There are a great many Turks who continue to value our long friendship and shared interests, obviously Turkey turning to our nemesis is bad news for the US, and in my own opinion for Turkey, and their valued place in NATO....
So yes, Mr. Erdogan is indeed creating a fuss, and its entirely intentional,,, it does create a serious and very dangerous shift in alliances,,,, so its quite possible that Turkey will indeed be offered the SU-57, and possibly buy a hundred or more?? These are "difficult days" and many of us will have our world view "shaken, not stirred!"
however, as Jeff Head states often, "the beat goes on....".