Jura The idiot
I'll pick up this:
Westerners should be watchful how the Western programs actually perform, as PR Departments always make an impression any program needs to be adored (that's PR Departments' job, and they're good in that), but simply not all programs are worth the money, and all have alternatives
I'll repeat here the line from Aug 4, 2016
sorry if I misunderstood you ("fly your flag") I mean I'm totally pro-West, and strongly pro-American, but just because of that I wouldn't praise something which I find dubious, like the idea to spend a half of a trillion on 'one size fits all' aircraft (but who knows, and I liked the square loop Jun 19, 2017

I add what's not funny which is in a case of war, it would be different, and I've recently admitted I supported 2003 Iraq War Jun 16, 2017
Brother I hope I won't say something what you didn't mean, anyway you've left with an impression as if Westerners should adore Western programs because the programs are Western; I think, to the contrary,...
and frankly some of our best friends here are playing for the other team! fly your flag gentlemen, lets not pretend to plqy on both teams!
Westerners should be watchful how the Western programs actually perform, as PR Departments always make an impression any program needs to be adored (that's PR Departments' job, and they're good in that), but simply not all programs are worth the money, and all have alternatives
I'll repeat here the line from Aug 4, 2016
... the question remains (and soon may be gone, or asked by many, that's why I'll pose it for the SDF recordnow) if those tremendous resources had been better used on other aircraft than F-35
EDIT what I mean by #2:
kinda abstract economics rule says one should look at what would've been achieved by alternative project(s) in comparison to the one actually procured ... for example if you had invested one mil into something, you should then compare your gain, of for example 100 Grand, to what you would've earned if you had invested into something else, and evaluate the actual investment based on this: had it been realistically possible to gain 200 Grand by investing that one mil differently, your 100 Grand surplus would be a failure LOL!
sorry if I misunderstood you ("fly your flag") I mean I'm totally pro-West, and strongly pro-American, but just because of that I wouldn't praise something which I find dubious, like the idea to spend a half of a trillion on 'one size fits all' aircraft (but who knows, and I liked the square loop Jun 19, 2017
liked the square loop most ... "in its corner":
I add what's not funny which is in a case of war, it would be different, and I've recently admitted I supported 2003 Iraq War Jun 16, 2017