I guess it's more than your 110% as the USMC increased the USAF "20:1" from
Tuesday at 9:40 PM
to 24:0 “In our own analysis we're seeing a consistent ratio more like 24:0 – we're not losing aircraft at all in our scenarios, and we set the conditions for other legacy fighters to be successful where we can.”
Marine Corps: F-35 is the best thing on the block
increasing even like prediction from
Feb 15, 2017
Yeah, Picture me as Austin Powers, "GROOVY BABY!", nothing sexier than a "24 to 1" kill ratio, my little "ThunderHogge II has become the it girl, she's suddenly very sexy!
Gee Jura, that might make you "DR EVIL"???? 24 to 1, 24 to 1, 24-1,,,,, ha, ha, ha, Ha Ha, HA, HA,,,,,,,, I'm picturing all those communist block folks with those "super sexy LOOKING" airplanes, and all the fan-bois??? yeah they are gonna call, liar, liar, liar, pants on fire!!
and I'm going to be laughing, THUNDERHOGGE II! YEAH BABY!
Sales are gonna go UP!, and UP!, and UP!
I love ya man, you make this SO MUCH FUN!