F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Hold-back problem right now did not prevent the tests but can be dangerous possible a complete re design !

The Navy’s F-35C Has A Major Nose Gear Problem
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EMALs will help this, but EMALs is havings its own issues right now. Basically the Helmet is to heavy, they can prolly revalve the nose gear to have less rebound, maybe even a "drawbar" redesign?? It is a concern, the F-35 should have been designed with a HUD, I know the helmet is kool, but there is way to much going on with that hat!


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
EMALs will help this, but EMALs is havings its own issues right now. Basically the Helmet is to heavy, they can prolly revalve the nose gear to have less rebound, maybe even a "drawbar" redesign?? It is a concern, the F-35 should have been designed with a HUD, I know the helmet is kool, but there is way to much going on with that hat!

I think Buddy mean more progressive acceleration same for arresting system stress less airframes and it is adjustable, i have poste several months ago on the Ford thread, déjà vu Smileys  siffle.PNG

Rafale embarked use same system the landing gear compresses and relaxes to give an impulse
all is similar only difference cat of 75 m vs US 94.5 m for a reason only USA build cats.

Previous system with a cable, sling fixed under aircraft ,
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Hold-back problem right now did not prevent the tests but can be dangerous possible a complete re design !

The Navy’s F-35C Has A Major Nose Gear Problem
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Right now few sorties, air operations only 3 times deployed on a CVN but after when one VFA with 10 during 7/8 months deployed much more risk... so to fix.

Very possible again a problem coz an fighter build for 3 services very difficult, so difficult... especialy the B very different but despite that each variant have only 60 % of common parts.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
FORBIN, Aug 30, 2015
Some interesting datas :

Cats EMALS long of 91 m, weigh 225 tons, power 60 MW during 3 sec, 50% less heavy than actual steam cats C13-2 on Nimitz, do 94,5 m.

No large metal pipes for vapors circuits and also hydraulic brakes for 4 cats several hundred tons in less.

Can launch a aicraft with a weight max of 45 t to 130 kn in general vs 36 t max for C-13-2
but launching speed adjustable 55/200 kn same for AAG adjustable also then stress less airframes and wings.

One EMALS can launch a aircraft all the 45 sec, C13-2 80 sec.

More easy for maintain cost 20% in less than C13-2 and maintainers 30 % less numerous.

First test with a dead load of 36 t.

understandably F-35 Needs Rigorous Trump Team Review, Pentagon Tester Says
The Trump administration should “rigorously and comprehensively review” Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 jet, the Pentagon’s costliest program, the Defense Department’s director of combat testing said.

Michael Gilmore, who will leave the post as testing director when Donald Trump takes office as president next week, cited the fighter’s “significant, well-documented deficiencies in critical combat capabilities” in a letter Monday to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry of Texas, who’s a strong supporter of the F-35.

While Trump has tweeted that “the F-35 program and cost is out of control,” Pentagon officials say the plane is now essentially on schedule and close to its budget after earlier problems. But Gilmore focused on unresolved performance issues in the current $55 billion development phase. These must be resolved before the aircraft can enter intense combat testing and the eventual deployment later this decade of fully capable combat jets.

The Defense Department’s F-35 program office “has no plan to adequately fix and verify hundreds of these deficiencies using flight testing within its currently planned schedule and resources,” Gilmore wrote. Deploying F-35s “with capable mission systems is critical to our national security,” but the program now “is at high risk of sacrificing essential combat performance,” he added.

The Pentagon’s office of independent cost analysis estimates that extending the development phase from its planned test flight completion in September 2017 to as late as 2020 could cost as much as $1.12 billion more. The number is contained in the testing director’s new annual report delivered to Pentagon leaders and lawmakers late Monday.

The program office has said completing the phase will require about $530 million extra and acknowledges it may slip to May 2018.

Gilmore’s annual report contains a 62-page
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of the program that’s a detailed primer for the incoming administration on deficiencies that include software, weapons accuracy, aircraft-carrier launching, the diagnostic system and reliability.

The military services have “designated 276 deficiencies in combat performance as ‘critical to correct’” in the final version of the “3F” software that gives the aircraft its full combat capability. “But less than half of the critical deficiencies were addressed with attempted corrections” so far, Gilmore wrote in his report.

The Trump administration may consider the report as it assesses the F-35 program. Under current plans, the U.S. is scheduled to increase purchases of the jet in the fiscal year 2018 budget to 70 from 63 this year. Then, the number is grow to 80 in fiscal 2019. There’s also a pending “block buy” of 450 aircraft in the coming years as the Pentagon seeks a total fleet of 2,443, including 1,763 for the Air Force.

Gilmore labeled as “unrealistic” the Pentagon program office’s estimate that it can complete the development phase for $530 million.

The Pentagon’s approach “guarantees the program will attempt a premature” termination of “mission systems testing, which will increase the risk of mission failures” once the aircraft enters the one-year phase of intense combat testing “and more importantly, if the F-35 is used in combat,” Gilmore wrote.

It’s this combat testing that provides “the most credible means to predict combat performance,” and under the latest projections “will not complete until at best” by December 2019 “and more likely later” into 2020, Gilmore wrote. The testing is currently scheduled to start in August.

The delay in combat testing has a cascading impact and will delay by as much as a year a Pentagon decision to approve the aircraft for full-rate production -- the most lucrative phase for Lockheed -- from the planned April 2019 into 2020, Gilmore wrote.

Vibrating Launches
One of the longest-running, most vexing unresolved deficiencies surfaced in November 2014, Gilmore wrote. It involves the vibration Navy pilots experience during catapult launches of the F-35C model from aircraft carriers. Test pilots found excessive “vertical oscillations.” The Navy plans to declare that its aircraft possesses an initial combat capability starting in February 2019 .

“The deficiencies were considered acceptable for continued development testing,” Gilmore wrote. But test pilots have reported the shaking was “so severe that they could not read flight-critical data, an unacceptable and unsafe situation during a critical phase of flight,” he wrote.
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
understandably F-35 Needs Rigorous Trump Team Review, Pentagon Tester Says

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GOOD BYE MICHAEL GILMORE! don't let the door hit you in the AXX on the way out, and GOOD RIDDANCE! Michael Gilmore is out of a job, furthermore, he has gone so far out his way to hurt the F-35 and the Program designed to bring it up to speed, that I'm going to call him a LYING POLITICIAN! trying to make a name for himself.

Yes the F-35 is a program that's in its infancy, yes all those issues are being worked, some have been and will continue to be put on the "back burner"!!! where they belong, until mission critical IOC bidnezz is taken care of, I hope Michael Gilmore can get a job being Michelle Obama's garden boy, and taking care of her "VEGGIES", seems appropo!

I think they should both accompany Barack to Mars on that one way mission!!! and DON'T COME BACK!

and take that 18 Trillion dollars in debt with you Michael, you and Barack deserve it!