Some folks are so invested in the F-35 failing, that they are never going to admit that it is succeeding...and will succeed probably beyond even your or my exoectations, Brat.Folks trying to UP the voltage on "Dr. Gilmore's?" criticism of F-35, and make a name for themselves as well, but these issues will all be worked in time:
1. As an example? it took me two minutes to resolve the gun door drag issue, its so simple a kindergartener could resolve it?? when you pull the trigger the gun door opens, supposedly creating enough drag to yaw the aircraft lightly and displace the "POI" of the main weapon??
The solution is beyond simple, ...
but watch Michael Gilmore, he is "aiming", PUN INTENDED, to the be the next "SEC DEF", remember, he is a "gun-slinger". LOL oh brother! Heh! Heh! Heh!
The military planners in these other nations...all of these other nations not only that partnered with us from the beginning, but all of the ones now buying it based on the prgress that have seen.
No...the beat goes on, and is going to continue to go on with this aircraft long after you and I have won our own "wings" my friend.
In the meant time, these are the nation that helped in the development (Partners) and others who have signed on to buy after the program progressed (who must sign as Security Cooperative Participants):
USA (Primary)
UK (Level I Partner)
Italy (Level II Partner)
Netherlands(Level II Partner)
Australia (Level III Partner)
Norway (Level III Partner)
Denmark (Level III Partner)
Turkey (Level III Partner)
Canada (Level III Partner) New lib gov't starts new comp.
Israel (Security Cooperative Partner)
Singapore (Security Cooperative Partner) Delayed order to 2022
Japan (Security Cooperative Partner)
Korea (Security Cooperative Partner)
As I say, there are some very smart people, who are committed to the security of their own nations who are making these decisions. Clearly, the aircraft is speaking for itself.
In addition, several other nations, like Spain, are considering the aircraft for the future and I believe this list will grow considerably.