I believe the US is happy to play the long game on this one though.
With the interest being shown around the world amons=gst non-patrnetr nations, I believe the US will come out very well in the F-35 [rogram overall.
The partner nations are:
Primary: United States
Level 1 partner: United Kingdom
Level 2 partners: Italy and the Netherlands
Level 3 partners: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Turkey
The US, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, and Norway are already receiving aircraft. Some of them talk about fewer numbers...but lets see what happens over the long haul as the price continues to drop.
Turkey is wanting to make a BIG commitment...but that also has to be played out in its security commitment to NATO, and particularly the US.
Canada's government is waffling.
But in addition to those, you now have:
Japan (whose first aircraft has already been rolled out in Ft. Worth)
Israel (whose first aircraft has also already been rolled out in Ft. Worth)
Making commitments.
I think that trend will continue, particularly as they go into full production and the pricing on the Alpha continues to drop. I also expect at some pint that Canada will elect a different administration that will ultimately buy the F-35....but we shall see.
I expect that in addition to the US and the UK, that Turkey (if it keeps it together) Japan, Korea, and Spain may all also ultimately buy some F-35Bs.