Now, Now, lets not hack on poor old Senator McCain?? LOL my Dad had little use for Senator McCain, as his responses or lack there-of to my Dad's letters were either in-ept or non-existant.
As to your inquiry about my lack of comments, My poor old Blackbird blew a motor, and I have a Pontiac 350, and a Pontiac 400 in several hundred pieces, in and out of my garage, and I'm broke, so having to try to chase parts I cannot afford, and drag stuff to the machine shop, and it is dog-gone depressing. I'm hoping to end up with running Pontiac 400 back in my poor old forlorn, filthy, bedraggled Firebird, its just pitiful to see the engine compartment, with filth and oil, wires hanging every, rust here and there, and generally looking lie a pile of KRAP, so pray for me and it, and my poor wifey and girls???
End off topic:
So, back to Major Morten Hanche, he is the 62nd Fighter Squadron's Assistant Weapons Officer, and also a graduate of the Navy Test Pilot School, with over 2000 hrs in the F-16, he is a Major in the Norwegian Air Force. (on of the most beautiful women I ever met was the daughter on one of my Dad's Norwegian students in the C-130, she was gorgeous, blond, and didn't speak a word of English, and I was in LOVE for a number of years), so back to our boy "Dolby Hanche".
He is the real deal, NO THIS WAS NOT A PR STUNT, he was just doing his job, and he was paired up one on one, one on two, two on four, and 3 on four, F-35s VS A-4 agressors, with radar comparable to Dolby's Norwegian F-16s, flown by very highly experienced operators with each having over 2000 hours, in other words, "the best of the best" and those guys had experience flying everything, including the F-22 Raptor, and were familiar with 5th gen tactics, and new what to expect from the "defensive" F-35, and they had the advantage of vectoring from GCI ground in to the F-35s, which "could see" the F-35's, so the Aggressors had a significant advantage over the F-35s in that regard.
In this scenario, Dolby was "self limited" to the the Radar on the F-35, non of the other systems for advanced situational awareness was available or providing data, only the Radar, get it, RADAR ONLY!
So in each scenario, Dolby and his wingman, sometimes a third ThunderHogge II, were able to "kill" each and all of the aggressors, and at NO time, did one of the highly experienced "Aggressors ever achieve a "weapons lock", they didn't even put eyeballs on Dolby, his wingman, or his #3 aircraft. Very, very impressive, very impressive indeed.
Now that A-4 replicated the very outstanding avionics set-up on the Norwegian F-16s??? had the bad guys also been in F-35s or F-22s, there might not have been any kills, or the Aggressors would have had an advantage with the GCI vectors in to the target??
Oh, and one more pet peeve of the AFB, the prohibition on F-15 VS SU-27 for example leaves everyone "ignorant" of the true capabilities of both aircraft, these discussions are only relevant when we compare these aircraft against their potential adversaries, hence the "Aggressor Squadrons". So if all the Air Forces, Navies etc of the world are doing VS/VS comparos, and they are, we should be able to have a rational discussion along those lines as well??
( I know we can't, as some folks simply are not rational) LOL
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