F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


F-35s Touch Down in U.K.

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LONDON – A trio of Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters has touched down on British soil, two years after a fleet-wide grounding prompted by an engine fire foiled plans for the aircraft’s international debut. The arrival of the fighters had originally been planned for June 27, but problems with one of the tankers meant the trip was delayed twice.

But a technical glitch with one of the F-35s shortly before departure forced the use of a spare aircraft to make the transatlantic flight.

The three F-35Bs will be joined by a pair of U.S. Air Force F-35As, which are due to make the transit from McGuire AFB, New Jersey, to Fairford on June 30.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Fine job again Brumby !

Is The F-35 Superior to Russian and Chinese 5th Gen Aircraft?

For a little less good individualy according actual infos especialy for J-20... but enough sure get a better electronic, sensor fusion, several ships in formation/flight networked.

For A2A combat to LR equal about, radar very good but less powerful as others, less big noise for host but better RCS especialy as the J-20 so detect a little more soon, same internal weapons load 4 AAM LR for the future planned 6 Block 5 2023/24 but remains possible J-20 hot 6 also i see less 6 fit in the T-50.
Max AAM LR load F-35 : right now sure 8 with adaptors as F-22 in main ext hard points : 12, Block 5 : 14 as F-22, T-50 : 10, J-20 10/12 adds in more 2 IR to all.

For dogfight :) less good, agile but her electronics systems which allow to pilot look more fast on 360° and fired AAM without see ennemy compensates, completely ?
Less powerful gun as T-50, 25 vs 30 mm a little more rounds 180 vs 150, J-20 now nothing...
IR signature, reactor much more masked as 2 others but one very powerful more locatable than 2.

For A2G attack in stealth mode with internal weapons load about 2,1 t ( F-35B 1.2 t ) equal T-50 but A/C capable to be armed with 907 kg bombs more efficient vs difficult or buried target; Others max 454 kg no sure for J-20 but i don't think 907 kg bombs fit her weapons bays coz similar arrangement with the F-22.

Total weapons load 9 t, F-35B 8 t a little less as T-50, 10 t more big and equal to J-20, the three equal only thing possible US tageting designators better ?

Undoubtely A2G attack is his forte her main mission build for it and to be excortef if needed with especialy F-22, F-15C modernised also.

Range decent better as F-16 but no match with the two others more big, CR in average F-35A : 1080 km, B : 850, c : 1150, T-50 : ~ 1700, J-20 1700/2000 !
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F-35Bs Land In UK Today; Hover & Refueling Demos At RIAT, Farnborough

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The first three F-35Bs to leave the United States land in the United Kingdom today, having left the US this morning. The
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leave tomorrow.

Perhaps the highlight of
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and Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) will come when the B models, used by the US Marines and Royal Navy pilots flying to and from the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carriers, perform a refueling with a KC-130 airborne tanker at both events.

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may also perform a flyover of the HMS Queen Elizabeth, first of her class. Royal Navy pilots will fly F-35Bs from the Elizabeth and Prince of Wales carriers. (When not aboard ship, they will be based at RAF Marham.)

The B models will also perform hovers at the air shows, though I don’t think they will land. Also, the aircraft will not stay at Farnborough. Instead, they will fly from RAF Fairford and return there after each flight.

The F-35As will fly as part of that the Air Force is calling its heritage flight, as pictured below. These aircraft are flying at 11 air shows across the US this year, as well as at the UK shows.

The flights will be testament to Britain’s early commitment to the F-35 program, as well as proof that the planes can do what they’ll need to do on the
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s being built with them in mind. The flights will also be a counter to the
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aircraft being hawked at the shows. While
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, they do demonstrate that the planes are reliable enough to fly across the Atlantic, that they can be refueled in flight, and that they demonstrate something the Navy pays a great deal of attention to — presence.

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will give the air chiefs assembled from around the world — including presumably the Chinese —
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In addition to the flights, RIAT will boast a host of senior officials from F-35 partners countries, including Norway. We hear there will be a July 7 briefing by US Air Force, Marine Corps, Norwegian and British pilots.

Gen. Hawk Carlisle, head of Air Combat Command, is expected to brief reporters the same day as the pilot briefing, the day before RIAT officially starts. On the show’s first official day open to the public, senior officials from the British Defence Ministry will speak with us, in addition to Marine Deputy Commandant for Aviation Gen. John Davis and Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

All in all, presuming all goes as expected, this year will stand in stark contrast to the last UK shows, when much of the news focused
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and then why they didn’t.



Air Force Officers Give New Details for F-35 in War With China
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For the first time, key officers lay out how they’d deploy the stealth F-35 and F-22 in an all-out war with China.

U.S. Air Force officials for the first time said publicly how they’re planning to use the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in a war with China.

The bottom line: a lot needs to change in the way the Air Force uses its warplanes in battle.

“If you put a fourth-[generation F-15 or F-16 fighter] in there, they’re gonna die,” said Maj. Gen. Jeff Harrigian, who is finishing up a tour at the Pentagon where he has been building the plans for integrating the F-35 throughout the Air Force. He and Col. Max Marosko, the deputy director for air and cyberspace operations at Pacific Air Forces in Hawaii, detail how the F-35 would be unleashed in a
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published Thursday by the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

“In our minds, what this comes down to is the ability to kill and survive,” Harrigian said.

Air Force officials frequently talk about how the advanced technology on the F-35 and other jets will give it an edge on the battlefield, but this report offers an unprecedented detail from a senior officer of how the plane could be used in war.

In the fictitious war of 2026 they present, the enemy tries to jam radar and radio signals, allowing only stealthy planes like F-22 and F-35 fighters and B-2 and B-21 bombers to fly safely and strike targets, which are guarded by mobile surface-to-air missiles.

The Pentagon would spread its fighter jets around the Pacific in small numbers to military and civilian airfields, some as far as 1,000 miles from the battlefield, to prevent enemy ballistic and cruise missiles from delivering a devastating knock-out blow to a base. Today, the Pentagon tends to concentrate the majority of its planes at regional super bases.

“During the initial days of the conflict, F-35s occasionally return to their bases - only to discover several are heavily damaged from enemy missile attacks,” Harrigian and Marosko write, in their warplay. Those F-35s must divert to civilian airfields. By this time, the F-22 and F-35 won’t need air traffic controllers as their high-tech computers will guide them to runways, even in bad weather.

Older fighter jets, like F-15 and F-16 fighters, which are more easily spotted by enemy radars, must fly at greater distances from the battlefield, out of the range of deadly, long-range surface-to-air missiles.

The report does not name China as the enemy, instead saying the fictitious war takes place in “a key region abroad,” where in one detailed scenario an F-35 must divert to a base in Australia. Only China and Russia have fifth-generation fighters and advanced defenses the F-35 would be deployed to face, and Russia is out of range. Australia is expected to fly its own F-35s in the future — and could fix any U.S. Air Force F-35s damaged in combat. However, the same concepts could be applied to a war with Russia.

In order to win this future war, much needs to change in the way the Pentagon employs its aircraft, Harrigian and Marosko said. F-22s and F-35 must fly missions more frequently than current military aircraft. Unlike most missions today, they will receive targeting information from command centers through high-tech computers and communications equipment as they fly to the battlefield. Connectivity improvements between old planes and new ones is also a must.

The Air Force needs to deploy its F-22s and F-35s more quickly from bases in the United States since the enemy could move assets around the battlefield, Marosko said. And when they deploy, they must do it with less equipment and fewer people.

The newer fifth-generation planes also would need to collect and upload data to command centers and other aircraft more quickly. Harrigian said the data also needs to get pushed into the
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“There’s going to be a huge reliance on all that data … getting back to the mother ship,” Marisko said.

The goal of their paper is to spur a discussion about the ways to use the nation’s most advanced fighter jets on the battlefield in conjunction with older American and allied warplanes and forces.

“There’s more work that needs to be done with this,” Harrigian said.

Fifth-generation refers to aircraft that possess a combination of stealth, high-tech computers, and sensors baked into a warplane, allowing it to act as the quarterback over the battlefield, collecting data and sharing intelligence and targeting information with other aircraft.

“Everybody gets better” when a fifth-generation aircraft like the F-22 or F-35 flies over the battlefield, Harrigian said.

The timing of the report is notable as the Air Force is expected between August and December to declare its first squadron of F-35s
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. That means a regional military commander could request those planes for combat. The Marines declared its F-35s
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last year, but they have not been used in the air campaign against ISIS, Afghanistan and in Africa, all areas where the military has bombed enemy strongholds in recent years.

Harrigian, an F-22 pilot, soon will take over as the commanding general in charge of the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

The Air Force’s F-22s were deemed battle ready in 2005 but were not
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, when American warplanes began bombing ISIS strongholds in Syria, which had sophisticated air defenses.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
F-35Bs Land In UK Today; Hover & Refueling Demos At RIAT, Farnborough

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A scene right out of "Top Gun", I can't remember what song is playing as Maverick sits on his ZX-9 Ninja, and watches the F-14s land. "HIGHWAY TO THE ,,,,,,, DANGERZONE! RIGHT INTO, THE DANGERZOOOOONNE! how did you like that ?????

I sound just like Kenny Loggins don't I??? sorry guys, just had to sing it one more time.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The first VMFA-121 use before F/A-18D former VMFA(AW)-121 more specialized F-18 USMC units for attack/recc

The D-model can be configured for training or as an all-weather strike craft. The "missionized" D model's rear seat is configured for a Marine Corps
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who functions as a Weapons and Sensors Officer to assist in operating the weapons systems. The F/A-18D is primarily operated by the U.S. Marine Corps in the night attack and
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(Airborne) (FAC(A)) roles.
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Exist 4 Sqns.

VMFAT-501 have 25 F-35B one other Sqn after, both replace one OCU for F-18 and one for AV-8B.

Second Marine F-35 Operational Squadron in Two Year-Long Transition

The Marine Corps’ second operational F-35B Lightning II strike fighter squadron is in transition training but will not be deployable until mid-2018.

Marine Attack Squadron 211 (VMA-211), the “Wake Island Avengers,” will be redesignated Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211 (VMFA-211) June 30 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Beaufort, N.C. The squadron is in transition training from the AV-8B Harrier II attack aircraft at Beaufort conducted by Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, the replacement training squadron for the F-35B.

The squadron began transition in May, having transferred its last Harriers. According to the 2016 Marine Corps Aviation Plan, VMFA-211 will be in transition for two years until it is fully equipped with 16 F-35Bs.

Upon completion of transition, VMFA-211 will return to MCAS Yuma, Ariz., which also is the home of the Corps’ first operational F-35B squadron, VMFA-121, with which the Corps declared initial operational capability of the F-35B on July 31, 2014.

VMFA-121 is scheduled to permanently deploy to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, in January. Eventually, when equipped with 16 F-35Bs, it will provide a six-plane detachment to the air combat element to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit onboard the USS Bonhomme Richard Amphibious Ready Group forward-deployed to Japan.

VMFA-211 will be followed in F-35B transition by VMFA-122 at Beaufort in 2018 and VMFA-311 in 2020. VMFA-314 at MCAS Miramar, Calif., will be the first Marine Corps squadron to upgrade to the carrier-capable F-35C.

Under current planning, the Marine Corps will consolidate its remaining Harriers at MCAS Cherry Point, N.C., in 2021 and its remaining F/A-18 Hornets on the West Coast in 2027.

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member

These idea for 200 new F-22 yet i don't think possible coz money... i have no preference ofc F-22 more nice, agile a little special but the more important is to satisfy the warfighter have the best.

The main problem is USAF fighters-Bombers Fleet size, yet many cuts from Cold War at the begining logic don' t need a huge fleet but after too cuts... again one in 2010: 250 F-15/16 ! remains 2000 enough but necessary keep this numbre as Congress point.

And a new F-22 want definitely double of a F-35A, around 200 mill, i think minimum vs100/F-35A about the calculation is simple :
200 new F-22 cost 400 F-35A : so from 1763 to 1363 for fighters fleet - 200 to 1800.

Despite the 200 F-22 can be really better that F-35A for A2A combat but not for A2G missions especialy coz i don' t modification for her main weapons bay and can 't host 2000 lbs bombs as F-35A, can 1000 lbs but with it you get a bomb less lethal, capable.
For SDB 8 for both but for terrorists perfect but in war time mainly interesting for SEAD so few powerful vs big, difficults targets.
F-35A is not a thoroughbred but more versatile as F-22.

After decades of decreases for number of equipment the quality of new should compensate in fact only partialy and experts say now it is necessary change it and the numbers of equipment with new post Cold War threat is now to really considered.

I prefer have French AF to 250 fighters with a part of Mirage 2000 not too old and modernized for get a big number of fighters, units ready for to be deployed than only 150 Rafales definitely better but so few numerous.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You would think they would have taken a high quality pic of this but nothing out there so far. Maybe they will release a video later.
Jul 3, 2015
To me, the F-35 Project had been the source of amusement(s) (around 2002 due to new technologies involved; since 2014 due to the way it's been procured; I tried to explain the 13-years gap :) https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/f-...os-and-pics-thread.t5796/page-237#post-329860
Now I'll stop posting in this Thread for one year, until Independence Day 2016, as I don't want to upset some people here I like. Just let me tell you I've tried to be impartial -- good news or bad news, I posted them if I thought they were not faked (and were important) -- which in this Thread sometimes looked as nay-saying, bashing, detracting ... which I believe it wasn't ... so I'll give myself a break.

in the meantime, I was (almost) fooled by
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after F-35B IOC was described as such a success in
F-35 OT-1 By the Numbers
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6: The number of F-35Bs aboard the USS Wasp from May 18-29 to conduct USMC OT-1. This marks the most F-35s ever deployed at sea at once.

240: Number of personnel who supported OT-1. This included everyone from maintainers to pilots and engineers to photographers from the Marines’ VMFA-121, VMX-22, VMFAT-501, MALS-13, and MALS-31, as well as a handful of Lockheed Martin employees.

108: Number of sorties completed during OT-1. During these sorties, Marines assessed several aspects of the F-35’s operational abilities, including aircraft-to-ship communications networks tests, and the latest release of Landing Signal Officer Launch and Recovery software.

4: Number of times OT-1 pilots had to take-off and land at night. Pilots flew the night operations without the assistance of night vision goggles or the F-35’s
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, so communication with the on-board crew was key. According to Maj. Michael H. Rountree, a Marine Corps pilot who participated in OT-1, the jet was easier to fly than legacy aircraft, and he was "a lot less terrified" to carry out a night landing in the F-35B.

30: Number of maintenance demonstrations conducted aboard the USS Wasp. One of special note was the engine transfer test. During this test, Marines flew an Engine Power Module F onto the USS Wasp in an MV-22, unloaded it, and transferred it to the F-35 to stage an engine replacement exercise.

1: Number of Autonomic Logistics Operating System ALIS Standard Operating Units aboard the Wasp. This is the first ALIS unit installed at sea. During OT-1, the Marines assessed the newest version of ALIS, version 2.0.0, and its ability to transfer from land-based operations to sea-based operations. According Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, deputy commandant for Aviation, Headquarters Marine Corps, “ALIS worked very well to achieve our turnaround times.”

0: The number of “show stoppers” that occurred during OT-1, according to Lt. Gen Davis. He remarked that the F-35 is “right at home at sea.”
while later the hard data were obtained (
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), made available in
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which you may (and some of you won't :) read to check this graphics:

which is yet another
F-35 OT-1 By the Numbers

so I have been skeptical about the official success stories, as in (recent examples posted here):

Jun 23, 2016
F-35 Software Runs Smoothly During Mountain Home Deployment
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from inside: "... 88 sorties ... Seven F-35As ... June 6-17 ..." deployment, so it's, on average, almost exactly, one sortie per one day per one aircraft ... with no info about the duration of those flights

Wednesday at 2:06 PM
Marine Corps Will Get Its Second F-35B Squadron This Week

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from inside: "... the squadron received its first two F-35B aircraft on May 9 — three days after it completed its final flights with the Harrier. Officials did not immediately respond to a request about when the remaining joint strike fighters made by Lockheed Martin Corp. would join the squadron. ..." so in my opinion, the headline is pathetic

is all this just the business as usual? LOL