eh?sorry too lazy to look up what I said but if you asked me if the F35 superior or even on par with the F-22 ... the answer is of course not in the realm of ACM and dogfighting. Not even close. I don't think anyone here disagrees with that.
However I think right now you guys are talking about the Hi-Lo mix and the force multiplier of the F-22 with F35 as piggy backs. I also agree with what Gen Hostage said in regards to the F-35 (taken in context). I don't think he was bashing the F-35 as much as to maybe imply the Pentagon should bought more Raptors to supplement the F-35s.
There is no question in my mind that in a modern high intensity, high threat environment an offensive strike package of F-22s proving air cover with F-35s doing the ground pounding would be the most effective mix.
Anyway the design requirements and objectives of the F-22 was very simple. Make a plane that is a direct replacement for the F-15s in A2A with the most advanced but feasible technologies available. PERIOD!
There were not a lot of compromises that needed to be made either during or after the fact. There were no 'partner' nations, no different variants and certainly not much in terms of the consolidation of supply chain and manufacturing.
The primary politicking at that time that was involved was who was going to built them. Lockheed or McD/Boeing/Northrop.
The ugly politics (which ultimately led to the decrease in acquisition) of the Raptor primarily came about AFTER the plane is all good and done and way passed LRIP. Heck, had the Pentagon chose the YF23 it would've been an equally good choice as well and the F23 would've evolved into the most dominant 5th gen fighter today like the Raptor has, dare I say maybe even a tad better because the specs for YF23 was actually a tad more capable than the YF-22.
* as a side note people need to also realized that when the YF-22/23 came about in the initial planning and development stages, the world was also a different place then when the JSF program came about. Reagan was president, Berlin Wall was still up and Pentagon, DoD was run by old school Generals and Admirals. The US still had to worry about the USSR/Warsaw Pact nations and their numerical fighter superirority especialyl n the European theater. Around that time frame, the USSR had also just released the likes of the Mig 29s and the SU 27s which made people sweat a lot!
To make the engineers sweat even more F-15s had a PROVEN A2A combat ratio W/O a single air to air loss! Perspective was different then then they were later. The engineers etc were DETERMINED to make the absolute best A2A platform and F15 Eagle replacement they possibly could no holds barred.
Amen, and you're absolutely correct. a barbrother is taking General Hostages statement in support of the F-35, and affirming our HI/LO strategy with the F-22 at the top of the food chain, and attempting to use them against the F-35. General Hostages statements affirmed the USAF policy of the F-22 as the Hi end, the F-35 as the LO end, just as we used the F-15/F-16 to imply that the F-35 is inferior to almost everything in the Air to Air mode, and that simply is not true. The F-35 is very likely number two on the list of superlative air to air platforms and is being marketed as such to our partners. Air Marshal Brown of Australia affirming that the F-35 was 10-20 years ahead of PAK-FA, J-20 etc when it comes to fifth gen capability, and that Australia is very satisfied that it is the right airplane for the job. In short Gen Hostage stated that it might take eight F-35s to match the A2A of two F-22s, and no doubt General Hostage is correct. General Hostage went as far as saying the F-35 is superior to the F-22 in regards to stealth/LO??? I found that rather fantastic, but hey, the F-35 is very stealthy, and its coatings are much easier to maintain, the reason I suppose General Hostage stated that he would "fight to the death" to protect the F-35.