Jura The idiot
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread
On F-35C Basing:
Posted on InsideDefense.com: May 23, 2014
The Navy recently released a final environmental impact statement for F-35C Joint Strike Fighter West Coast home basing, recommending Naval Air Station Lemoore, CA as the aircraft's homebase. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus will sign a record of decision in about 30 days making the decision final.
The final EIS, released May 15, looked at the potential environmental effect of homebasing F-35C squadrons at either Lemoore or Naval Air Facility El Centro, CA. The document provided a preferred alternative of placing seven fleet squadrons plus the fleet replacement squadron at NAS Lemoore while maintaining training operations at NAF El Centro.
"This alternative best meets mission requirements; optimizes operational efficiencies related to personnel, training and logistics support functions; maximizes the reuse of existing facilities and minimizes the need for new construction; and preserves NAF El Centro as a valuable training asset," according to a May 15 statement from U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
A total of 70 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft or seven Pacific Fleet squadrons will transition to the new F-35C aircraft beginning in 2015 with the transition to be complete by 2028, the final EIS reads.
"The plan would also involve the establishment no earlier than 2017 of an F-35C Fleet Replacement Squadron consisting of approximately 30 F-35C aircraft to meet the requirements for training Navy pilots," the document reads.
Environmental resource topics the study considered include: airfields and airspace, noise, air quality, safety, land use, infrastructure and utilities, socioeconomics, community services, ground traffic and transportation, biological resources, topography and soils, water resources, cultural and traditional resources, and hazardous materials and waste.
The final EIS evaluated three alternatives: NAF El Centro homebasing, NAS Lemoore homebasing and a no-action alternative. Under the no-action alternative, the Navy would not provide facilities and functions on the West Coast to support F-35C homebasing in the Navy Pacific Fleet.
In February 2011, the Navy held public scoping meetings in El Centro and Lemoore. The meetings were to "enhance" public understanding of the project. A total of 187 people attended the two meetings and a total of 253 comments and issues were covered.
"Primary issues raised during scoping related to socioeconomics, community facilities and services, infrastructure and utilities and land use," the final EIS reads.
On F-35C Basing:
Posted on InsideDefense.com: May 23, 2014
The Navy recently released a final environmental impact statement for F-35C Joint Strike Fighter West Coast home basing, recommending Naval Air Station Lemoore, CA as the aircraft's homebase. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus will sign a record of decision in about 30 days making the decision final.
The final EIS, released May 15, looked at the potential environmental effect of homebasing F-35C squadrons at either Lemoore or Naval Air Facility El Centro, CA. The document provided a preferred alternative of placing seven fleet squadrons plus the fleet replacement squadron at NAS Lemoore while maintaining training operations at NAF El Centro.
"This alternative best meets mission requirements; optimizes operational efficiencies related to personnel, training and logistics support functions; maximizes the reuse of existing facilities and minimizes the need for new construction; and preserves NAF El Centro as a valuable training asset," according to a May 15 statement from U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
A total of 70 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft or seven Pacific Fleet squadrons will transition to the new F-35C aircraft beginning in 2015 with the transition to be complete by 2028, the final EIS reads.
"The plan would also involve the establishment no earlier than 2017 of an F-35C Fleet Replacement Squadron consisting of approximately 30 F-35C aircraft to meet the requirements for training Navy pilots," the document reads.
Environmental resource topics the study considered include: airfields and airspace, noise, air quality, safety, land use, infrastructure and utilities, socioeconomics, community services, ground traffic and transportation, biological resources, topography and soils, water resources, cultural and traditional resources, and hazardous materials and waste.
The final EIS evaluated three alternatives: NAF El Centro homebasing, NAS Lemoore homebasing and a no-action alternative. Under the no-action alternative, the Navy would not provide facilities and functions on the West Coast to support F-35C homebasing in the Navy Pacific Fleet.
In February 2011, the Navy held public scoping meetings in El Centro and Lemoore. The meetings were to "enhance" public understanding of the project. A total of 187 people attended the two meetings and a total of 253 comments and issues were covered.
"Primary issues raised during scoping related to socioeconomics, community facilities and services, infrastructure and utilities and land use," the final EIS reads.