F-22 Raptor Thread


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Sounds about right, we wanted 700 F-22s, and we are gonna build a bunch of F-35s?? so they say, but I'd say that sounds about right, about twice as many J-20s as the number of F-22s we ended up with.
The link seems doubtfull... i have see things on these forums ...

Initialy end 1980's with USSR... planned 750 for replaced one by one all F-15A/B/C/D
delivered : 402 F-15A/B + 470 C/D but in fact about 700 in service coz first A/B replaced .

But very fast with all the changes this number was not realistic in fact USAF idealy wanted about 350
so in more 160 and last reports mention this number.

For about 5 Sqns
For replaced the 72 F-15C again in 3 active Sqns, 1 to Lakenheath and 2 to Kadena

And about 2 others possible one Sqn in more for especialy the 1st FW prestigious unit which have again in 2010 a 3rd F-15C Sqn or 3th FW in Alaska very well located...
Or 1 in more a 2th for ANG

No détails disponible but for me make sense.

Air Force Brat

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that's very serious aerodynamic performance, I seriously doubt you're going to see PAK-FA, J-20, or any of the Euro-Canards lost in vapor to this extent. This girl will turn, note both burners are LIT! anyway for the folks that put her down?? nothing else on the planet puts there pilots to sleep?

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
The link seems doubtfull... i have see things on these forums ...

Initialy end 1980's with USSR... planned 750 for replaced one by one all F-15A/B/C/D
delivered : 402 F-15A/B + 470 C/D but in fact about 700 in service coz first A/B replaced .

But very fast with all the changes this number was not realistic in fact USAF idealy wanted about 350
so in more 160 and last reports mention this number.

For about 5 Sqns
For replaced the 72 F-15C again in 3 active Sqns, 1 to Lakenheath and 2 to Kadena

And about 2 others possible one Sqn in more for especialy the 1st FW prestigious unit which have again in 2010 a 3rd F-15C Sqn or 3th FW in Alaska very well located...
Or 1 in more a 2th for ANG

No détails disponible but for me make sense.

Actually we could have built those 700 Raptor's far cheaper per aircraft than the 187 aircraft we ended up with cost per copy, and while money is always tough, it was basically politics and very poor leadership on theSec Def, Joint Chief's and at the Pentagon that was manipulated by the "money changers in the temple"!

Those F-22's we do have remain very capable, and very comforting, but we would be much more capable, and much more comfortable with 700 Raptor's and we wouldn't be nickel and diming the F-35 right now. We'd be working some of these issues before ramping up production.

The dirty little secret is that by truncating our buy, we drove the cost of each aircraft to the moon. That's why the F-35 is becoming cheaper to build, production drives down costs, and improves the supply chain "flow"! We should have sold F-22's to the UK, Australia, Japan, and Israel, some Democrat killed that, and intentionally killed the Raptor, there was a lot more "pork" on the F-35.....oh I mean "ThunderHogge II

Air Force Brat

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that friends is something you really never ever saw before the Flankers and F-22, PAK-FA is awesome in this category as well, but the Raptor still has the most impressive whit-outs of all. I have NO idea how many G's the Raptor will pull, or who has pulled the most G, somewhere over 10, but how far over 10 Gs,, 11, 12, who knows, somebody does, and I'd like to see the highest documented number. We "know" the F-35A has been to 9.9 Gs, and that is beyond outstanding, I'd like to know a max number on Flankers, PAK-FA, and the F-22,,,,, I rather doubt the J-20 will be much over the F-35, if at all.

and I can't wait to see somebody "beat on" and F-35A, I really can't??? That will prolly come from the Norwegians or the Israeli's???