great profile shot. It really shows the Sleekness of the Raptors fuselage.
Little known fact is that American fighters since the F15 have been designed with a lifting body derived fuselage. This lead to the famous one wing light of the F15. It's a feature shared with the Raptor and lightning giving it an inherent damage resilience and high lift generation.
great profile shot. It really shows the Sleekness of the Raptors fuselage.
Little known fact is that American fighters since the F15 have been designed with a lifting body derived fuselage. This lead to the famous one wing light of the F15. It's a feature shared with the Raptor and lightning giving it an inherent damage resilience and high lift generation.
Most fighter aircraft, not all, but most have some form of lifting body shaping, this contributes to the total lift produced by the aircraft, as well as providing a natural foil against the poorly understood, but very real tendency of supersonic aircraft to exhibit "mach tuck". So it is very beneficial, in fact the forward fuselage generates even more lift as pitch is increased, so vortexs are created and very strong low pressure turbulent airflow builds on top of the wing.
This all goes back to Martins X-24 lifting body experimental aircraft, look it up on WIKI, I'm sure it will be of interest, moreover the J-20 and most other new designs are very similar in appearance to the Raptor in the forward fuselage, intake area.