Radar science is actually quite well understood and the relationships are defined by the radar equation. If you have a fair idea of the RCS profile, detection ranges can be easily approximated.
A simple equation for detection range is derived by :
Source : Introduction to airborne radar by George Stimson
Having outlined the above let's deal with some specifics :
Firstly, the question of AWACS. There is a detection limit imposed by the earth curvature even if the radar detection range can reach out further.
In the case of VLO platforms like the F-35 and F-22, the detection ranges are much reduced
Even if the F-22's were to carry external fuel tanks and the RCS profile raised, the F-22's will likely be supported by Growlers providing stand-off noise jamming to degrade any signal to noise ratio. You have an advantage when operating with a LO profile because of the relationship between RCS, jamming power and detection ranges.
Finally the primary nature of stealth is to enable the 5th gen assets to operate in a non permissive environment and is not about non detection. The goal of your adversary is to be able to track and then target and not just detection. Getting from detection to targeting is a highly complex discussion.