One for air superiority (F-22) and one for ground strike superiority (A-10). Who needs an F-35A and F-35C (although B version is still needed IMO)?
That would be the USAF, and partner Air Forces, and the USN, I suppose you could be forgiven for not knowing the USN needs the C, because they have made NO case for needing it. The USAF and Marines have made a great case for needing the A and the B respectively.
I'm afraid the Navies under-estimation of the real threat will cost us all, just as it did with ATF??? Had their been a more mature understanding of the threat going forward the Navy would have bought ATF, and they would be available now as top-cover for those 11 very precious floating air-fields. When we face a tier 1 threat, not if? but when?, the Navy will find itself in a real pickle if they don't keep their commitment to field the F-35C, that poor old A-10 will not "cut it" when the world class AAM go hot, and those systems are proliferating rapidly, and they are "cheap" in the grand scheme of things.
As General Carlisle pointed out, you need the F-35 "In numbers" to do the same job the F-22 is able to do as a two ship, but with sufficient numbers, you will have an aircraft that will bring the old football adage to bear, the best defense, is a good offense!
Make NO mistake gentlemen, this little Ukrainian bull would have never happened except for the BHO teams real world lack of "rocks", they better grow some before its to late!