This is an excerpt from Arie Church's excellent article, "Dogfighting's Premature Demise", I would encourage every SDF member who has any interest in such things to read very carefully General Moseley's comments: they are the "Gospel according to General Moseley", my wording, this was excerpted from todays Air Force Magazine, Daily Report, and is a brief but very direct quote from General Moseley as he spoke at the Mitchell Institute.
Arie Church has very accurately and very succinctly quoted General Michael Moseley, and his NOT politically correct assessment of the "furball".
"in the 1950s and "we built airplanes with no guns ... then Mig-19s, Mig-17s kicked our ass" over Vietnam, "Don't ever forget, the F-15 and F-16 were built as maneuvering airplanes," "the F-22 is effectively invincible" in a maneuvering engagement while the "
." "If the fight finds you and you can't maneuver, or you can't defend yourself, … I would offer that we have a fundamental failure in understanding actual combat."
Many SDF ers are under the very sadly mistaken impression that BVR is rule of law, and nothing could be further from the truth, as General Moseley reminds everyone of the sordid past where USAF and USN got their "butts kicked" by Mig 17s and 19s, this over reliance on the latest "kool tool" is a "loser" and lots of airmen have lost their lives proving that hypothesis still stinks. I especially like General Moseley's comment that the F-22 is "effectively invincible", while the F-35 will "be okay".
That's why it remains imperative that we maintain our F-22 fleet, while bringing the F-35 up to a similar standard, the F-35 will be very good, and it is imperative that we tweak that bird's FCS over to maximize its "air combat maneuvering"
General Moseley's comments sound like "Vipers" little talk in "Top Gun", but make no mistake, General Moseley is the "real deal", not a politician or marketing wonk.