These people are fleeing Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.
The mayhem has become far too great for sane people of reason to countenance, be they Christian, Muslim, Yazidis, etc...and they are voting with their feet.
Particularly with the atrocities of ISIS.
Also, on this thread, like other SD threads...we simply cannot allow political blame on the US, Syria, Iran, etc. for these atrocities or the migration.
Once the US defeated AQ Iraq and the insurgency and had a large residual force in place...Iraq was headed for a much better condition. But then the US precipitously withdrew under the current administration and gave place for ISIS.
Conversely, Assad, without numerous nations helping his detractors, would never have descended into what has been going on for the last 6 years. Bush at least knew how to deal with Syria. But numerous nations either tried to force a different solution, or took advantage of the situation...which allowed ISIS to grow there too.
The Iranian (Shia) - Saudi (Sunni) struggle has been around for many, many years...yet we have not seen this level of mayhem.
Over throwing bad as he was...after he had basically capitulated to the west (in terms of his stirring things up) was also a grave mistake. I say, as bad as he was...what exists now is MUCH worse.
Egypt, IMHO, barely avoided falling into the same quagmire...and they are going to ensure, for their own borders at least, that they do not get sucked back into it.
I say these things...not to be political at all...but to show how there has been a part, over the last 6 years in particular, on all sides creating this tragedy. All sides should do all they can to get back to conditions (in some places not possible) that existed before this chaos...or to come as close as possible.
I pray we can see Syria stabilize...and IMHO, that means that Assad stays in power. However bad some believe he had been...his regime never experienced or supported the kind of chaos that is gripping large parts of that country now.
I believe Egypt has come back from the brink.
I think Iraq, if its leaders would truly set aside their sectarian bias and corruption (and they can with the right impetus...we saw the various sides come together with US help in defeating AQ Iraq)...and that would mean getting help from the Kurds, from Iran, and from others. If they did this, I believe they could defeat ISIS on their own soil. But they have to give the various tribes/groups a reason to come together and help make it happen. To date, they have not done this.
Getting Iraq back to a more stable state is harder than it would be in Syria, but it could be done..
Libya is something else again. It is now, IMHO, a completely failed state, with no really strong force in place...or pull it back together again.
Anyhow, until things like this happen...and those solutions will hav to be balanced so that all powers (meaning Iran, Saudi, the US, Russia, Europe, etc.) see some kind of equalization that they can all take away a little with, the migration will continue unabated and hundreds...even thousands...will continue to die trying to cross the MEd to get out of there.