Espionage involving China


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Has he successfully leaked the critical info of J-35 to foreign buyers or he just attempted to do so but got stopped by MSS at the last minute?
Sounds like the info was leaked, unfortunately.
There has been quite a few of these cases where info was leaked. Wasn't there another a few months ago, that was, a small amount was leaked before MSS stepped in


Registered Member
Has he successfully leaked the critical info of J-35 to foreign buyers or he just attempted to do so but got stopped by MSS at the last minute?

The claim in regards to the J-35 is unsubstantiated as the original source did not provide any details. This Ukrainian journalist is adding his own stuff which was most likely found from social media as suspected by his first sentence. The only thing that was publicly acknowledged was classified materials were leaked and he was sentenced to death. No one publicly knows what was or wasn’t leaked.


Sounds like he they were observing him the whole time and grabbed him the moment it would have been a crime

The guy must have been stupidly desparate to try this in an industry with so much opsec

I think the leak had happened, but I don't think Li as an assistant engineer would have access to the top secret document, it would be totally different if he were the chief engineer.

The interesting question is what leak ?


His information would likely be compartmentalized to what system he was working on and maybe some related systems.

yeapp, but would be low level as an assistant engineer. Highly unlikely he knew the top secret information

I have worked with many assistant engineers, some are highly smart, but the tasks given to them are usually low level tasks, and lack of any depth. It is concerning, but I have no concern of the leaked info itself, more like how could he managed to copy such information and took it home


Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted yet. Has anyone heard anything through Chinese channels?

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Generally speaking, the Chinese authorities are very hush and hush and at best rather vague about recent counterintelligence operations.

For example, details concerning the
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who was sentenced in 2015 and executed in 2016 for espionage was not publicly disclosed until and after 《创新引领·国安砺剑》 was aired on CCTV almost a decade later in 2024, in part due to recent and ongoing MSS efforts to encourage Chinese citizens to report suspicious activities.

Even with the release of an official documentary, the MSS and CCTV still elected to imply with visuals, rather than explicitly state who 黄宇 spied for.

As such, it's probably "going to be a while" at a minimum before the Chinese authorities disclose just where 刘某 worked or what he disclosed to hostile intelligence service(s).

However, odds are, either what 刘某 did was particularly damaging, or the Chinese authorities wanted to make an example of him to deter other would be traitors. Though both could be true. Otherwise he wouldn't have been executed.