There's a difference between Elite and Rich, while there are many overlaps, they are not always the same. People in China can become rich without even fully realizing how it happened, those are the worst offenders. I have seen my fair share of them, I wouldn't say they are a rare breed, but they are definitely not representative of the elite as a whole.
The real elite don't care about where you came from, they look at where you are going. If you have 10 billion only because you started with 10 billion, then you are still a big fat zero.
I think the reason some of you haven't had many good experiences with them is probably because you simply don't know who is elite. You only see the surface, just like how whiners get a disproportionate amount of attention, the spoiled rich second gen is overly emphasized.
Congratulation sir, You understood elitism in its essence. Look, I am very rich. The reason that I'm rich has absolutely nothing to do with the opptunities that my society had presented me or the work and effort of anyone invloved in my enterprise or the gracious gift of nature or the knowledge that scholars and educators allow me to share for free or anything else. It is ALL ME. Because you know what? I call gold into existence from thin air, That's what I do. There are always people who don't understand being such as I and called me lucky or fortunate and all those dirty names, but, finally, someone understood. You and I should Definitely keep in touch.