MadMax said:i may have exagerated the size a little but i know they are larger then the lav ill check on that
btw how much dose the lav wiegh cause the BTR 90 is 21 tons
MadMax said:no i dont have any military expieriance im just saying from my off roading expierince biger tires are an advantage for going over obstacles
the tires on the LAV look really small compared to the BTR 90 in my opinion
i think the best option is to have a unit with a mix of wheeled and tracked vehicles so its ready for any terain
BKulan said:wouldn't half tracks be effective?
You sure it's AP munition? Doesn't make sense to use it on a lorry.China PTL02...firing in anger..gotcha, with amour-piercing projectiles...rate of firing 8-10 projectiles/min