Re: Distrubing Christian cult in China
amen! Christian cults or muslim terrorists should be shot on sight. no objections with that from me but of course the west will make it into another ''china suppressing religious freedom'' anti china propaganda campaign. when the America fights terrorism they are fighting for freedom, if the Chinese do it then its a violation of human rights
Falun Gong is a cult but gets sympathy. That's the danger and why it's probably helps these cults under the guise of freedom of religion where they think they can be so bold. I've seen the video on Youtube and I just want all of the members of this cult to be shot on sight. They should get a taste of their own medicine. They're going kill someone because she didn't hand over her phone number. They should be executed just for existing.
amen! Christian cults or muslim terrorists should be shot on sight. no objections with that from me but of course the west will make it into another ''china suppressing religious freedom'' anti china propaganda campaign. when the America fights terrorism they are fighting for freedom, if the Chinese do it then its a violation of human rights