The PNAC which was behind the George W Bush government had a plan to invade Iraq and North Korea.
The neocons had been pushing the US government to have the capability to wager two simultaneous conflicts at least since the Clinton administration to be able to do this. They claimed this would allow them to free military resources currently stationed in South Korea and then in Kuwait and allow them to be in a better position to later either invade Syria and Iran or, after using the saved resources from relinquishing those troops, engage in a massive military buildup aimed at tackling China and Russia. Personally I think it is pathetic they assumed either of those countries would just roll over and not require an occupation force. Which is what happened in actuality.
You should still be able to find the PDF online. It is called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century" and was written just before 9/11. It also "prophetically" claims that it would require a second Pearl Harbor type event for the US military transformation to happen. This is why some people claim 9/11 was an inside job. Some of the members of PNAC included Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney.