Did any one see this 99G before?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Well, maybe the Chinese gonna make a 152 mm gun, because the Russians are planning to use it in their new tank, T-95. And because Chinese is one of their closest military trade partner. So it's possible


Senior Member
VIP Professional
No, should be 155mm. China is switching to 155mm, so no point going backwards. But really, something the size of 155mm has too much recoil for Type 99. A lot of modifications are needed to take in the gun, all of which basically turns it into a new tank. Mobility? I don't have to speak of it.


Banned Idiot
This NPzK-140 was planed under the combat effectiveness upgrade III for the Leo2 A5/A6, meant to improve penetrating power of the gun against the most modern sowjet/russian armor. That would have brought an autoloder, too.
It was abandoned in the mid '90s.
Back then the 140mm or the 120mm/L55 were probably only seen as interim solutions. Other concepts were researched like electrothermal-chemical propuslion (ETC).
I don't know if that's still pursued.

Does anyone know of chinese studies in the field of new propallant concepts?
Those new concepts could keep the calibers at current levels while achieving the energy of bigger ones.
I see some problems with those bigger calibers, mostly because it will reduce the number of rounds that can be carried. Is the bigger punch worth the lower number?
Well, perhaps if you have an overall big number of tanks on the battlefield anyway.

about 2 years ago, there been a report breakthrough in the development of ETC,but ETC propellant is strictly for naval application.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Dude, it's common sense. the recoil of a 155mm is much greater than that of 120mm. As for 155 vs. 152, just look at the main site and check the weapons' dates.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
just a FYI for all you tank speed freaks. During combat with the OPFOR we would slow to around 12-18mph and many times creep or stop. once the engagement was over we would wait until we got our next set of phase lines then haul ass at around 30mph till the next fight/contact which was called out at about 3k by scouts then slow way down again. I have never seen ANY tank shoot another tank at High speeds of 30+MPH or the stuff you see on TV.

Example radio traffic would be White 2, white 3 contact front. guys come on line and stop. White 2, White 3 you see that. white3 getting a 3k lase can you make that out. Roger that no friendly to the front?. White3 you sure no friendly to front.....stand by......negative. engage..roger that...on the way...BOOOOM

This was usely a hull down hot spot in white or black hot on TIS. Seconday booms....then roll up about 10 min later and it was normly a dead Type-59/69/ or T-54/55/62
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