Death toll in Xinjiang riot rises to 140


Junior Member
I made a post in this thread wich eventually got relocated to another one by bd popeye. However, I think that at least a part of that post belongs here. So I will repost that part analogously here, hopefully with mod's approval.

These excerpts are take from the article maozedong posted earlier.

It's bold and weird statements like these that make the whole story unrealistic. Some congress meets, a senior woman makes some phone calls and half way around the world there are riots. That is definite evidence that a 61 year old woman was planing a sophisticated large scale attack half way around the world?

But of course it's not told anymore that she was elected into the peoples congress in '92(?) to act as an example of a problematic minority. As such I would exspect she was checked rather thoroughly. And when she eventually used that position to critizice the government, all of a sudden it was discovered that she commited fraud and espionage and what not.

Sure, she went to a different continent and right away introduced herself to a sophisticated terrorist network. Wich she prepared from her cell in a chinese prison.

If you can give us info collected by secret observation on this forum, I don't take that info as credible in the first place.

As I said I dont believe that rebuya Kadeer had to much to do with the thing, the chinese propaganda department obviously is even more stupid, useless and full of crap than I thought, there is only so much Kadeer can do, and to preserve ethnic unity and solidarity in Xinjiang, the first response is find someone outside to blame, and Kadeer is a front figure.

That been said, it was report of that even the local Uigher in Urumqi failed to recognize alot of the rioters, and there were also report from official source that the riot was instigated by Uighers from Kashgar and Hetian, Kashgar are one of the place boardering Pakistan and Kyrgestan with high Uigher populations, as Uigher often have many childrens, the amount of Úigher youth that cant find job are many there, poverty is common, and unrest-tension have always been high there, some of the armed(and I am talking about well trined and coordinated assault with automatic weapons and granate etc.) attacks on local goverment and non Uigher populations there during the 90s occured in this region as well. This part of south west Xinjiang is also what some people called East Turkestan and the real homeland of Uighers, well at least since a couple hundreds years back, since the real homeland of the Uighers are further north in todays Mongolia and Russia.
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Banned Idiot
I made a post in this thread wich eventually got relocated to another one by bd popeye. However, I think that at least a part of that post belongs here. So I will repost that part analogously here, hopefully with mod's approval.

These excerpts are take from the article maozedong posted earlier.

It's bold and weird statements like these that make the whole story unrealistic. Some congress meets, a senior woman makes some phone calls and half way around the world there are riots. That is definite evidence that a 61 year old woman was planing a sophisticated large scale attack half way around the world?

But of course it's not told anymore that she was elected into the peoples congress in '92(?) to act as an example of a problematic minority. As such I would exspect she was checked rather thoroughly. And when she eventually used that position to critizice the government, all of a sudden it was discovered that she commited fraud and espionage and what not.

Sure, she went to a different continent and right away introduced herself to a sophisticated terrorist network. Wich she prepared from her cell in a chinese prison.

If you can give us info collected by secret observation on this forum, I don't take that info as credible in the first place.

you have to read these video by you self:

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I don't like to talk too much about it, whatevery you think credible or not.
also, can you show me the secret info about Iranian government plans to develop nuclear weapons? like I post before, did you ask U.S about this?
Now, the situation in Xinjiang has been stable, some people will be disappointed, but I am very happy,I already stop to talk about Xinjing yesterday, since you - is scheduled to be discussed, this is last time I answer you,I already talk a lot about this, if you are not satisfied, you can look at my many post about these before.


Junior Member
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Senior Member
I was just watching ABC news. Their film crew in Xinjiang was told to stop filming the arrest of Urumqis. They retreated and kept filming. And from a distance you could see the police punching and slapping a Urumqi person. I think female reporter felt threatened.

punching and slapping? looks like the Chinese authority is still holding back. even in london the police would be clubbing the treehuggers til they cry for mommy lol


Junior Member
punching and slapping? looks like the Chinese authority is still holding back. even in london the police would be clubbing the treehuggers til they cry for mommy lol

I saw that to, a few kicks and punches, excessive but nothing out of the ordinary compared to any other sort of protest break-up on any other place.

We can all agree that the outbreak of violence was a serious crime, and should be prosecuted but from what I see there seems to be problems with the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, both in terms of domestic interethnic relations (mostly economic and educational) and security (allowing such a massive riot to occur with either some sort of counter-intelligence or immediate response to the unprecedented violence). Ignoring these issues is just asking for trouble, not only for Xinjiang but China and the entire Central Asian region if allowed to escalate.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
punching and slapping? looks like the Chinese authority is still holding back. even in london the police would be clubbing the treehuggers til they cry for mommy lol

pla101prc...yer back! I thought you were sequestered on some military base. Training Chinese immigrants into the CF no doubt!;)

Check this video near the end. I should have stated punched or slapped. And he kicked this person. This is the video I saw yesterday.

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Junior Member
Their is a Big difference between cracking skulls to break up a mob rampaging through a neighbor hood, and punitively striking a person that is already been bound/restrained. This is the kind of actions that can incite riots and give ammunition to opposition groups like the World uyguri congress.
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Banned Idiot
Cui Bono?

Well, my question is, who is going to profit from this affair?
Certainly not the Uighurs.
I doubt that China profits a lot either.

Short term, the affair may sully chinas reputation in the western public opinion a bit, but China neither would (nor should) care about that a lot.
From what I get from reading between the lines and watching some less biased sources (Vietnamese and Russian actually, both see it as local clashes going out of control, a Russian tourist who was in the area reported more Han than Uighur victims in the beginning).
The current western reporting really makes me doubt that freedom of the press actually exists.
It seems to be as biased as in Georgia, and I am not buying that bullcrap that the "Evil Chinese Gouverment" has nothing better to do than to "enslave and supress their poor misbegotten minorities" anyway.

What I see in the future:
-it will create some kind of a trap for countries that agreed to take the Uighurs from Guantanamo.
Imagine that you are Merkel or Sarkozy, because you want to carry some favor with the US you more or less agree to take in some Uighurs. On that matter, you appease the PRC in some different ways (like, f.e. giving them informations about precisly what the Uighurs are up to in Germany, Munich has quite a number of the "exile Uighurs leadership"). The entire incident will really really really increase the cost of taking up Uighurs prisoners from Gitmo, which could have a potential of making the entire "Close Gitmo" project fail, which would in turn have serious consequences on the next US election.

Oh my, I am sounding a lot like a conspiracy theorist right now am I?

sadly i feel the same when i noticed last year is tibet, this year is uijhur, and CIA and the US have frequent connections with free tibet movements


Senior Member
pla101prc...yer back! I thought you were sequestered on some military base. Training Chinese immigrants into the CF no doubt!;)

Check this video near the end. I should have stated punched or slapped. And he kicked this person. This is the video I saw yesterday.

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actually i am still stuck there for another month and a half...its not a recruit course so we do get a weekend leave pretty much every weekend lol


Junior Member
pla101prc...yer back! I thought you were sequestered on some military base. Training Chinese immigrants into the CF no doubt!;)

Check this video near the end. I should have stated punched or slapped. And he kicked this person. This is the video I saw yesterday.

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Saw it too, exessive violence from that particular officer no doubt, that policeman should be given a warning and punished, but this is not all that worser than US police brutalities we sometimes seen been filmed, also several european nations police have been critized for the same kind of behavior during mass protests arrest in europe since news camrar have taken films of them kicking and punching the arrested, you really shoudl have seen russian police at work, now that is a sight.

But anyway, is this female reporter also the same one from ABC that wrote an article of "The ABC news crew will try to find that brave Uigher women that stood up alone against the chinese mlitary crackdown"(Not the exact word but something same, cuz I cant find older ABC news article for some reason) as headline?
Turns out that women was never in anykind of danger and that Photo of the women standing alone showed on ABC website was also staged, another photo showing 5+ foriegn reporter behind her taking photos with camra on trilegs(which means they hade plenty of time to set up the hole thing), all while the Uigher women chanted something against a calm and quiet riot police formation that stood unmoved for a long time, only a older police officer later pesuaded her to leave after talking to her for a while.

Sensationalism is whats in that reporters head.
I found the ABC report:
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Above by /ABCNews

Now the Times have been alot more objective this time.

this woman was facing absolutely no danger, even without all the cameras. Here's in her own words--

"She said that the fact that she was a woman probably determined the response by the People’s Armed Police, who appear to be under strict orders to exercise the utmost restraint. “I think they felt sympathy for me.”

A senior Uighur officer approached her and tried to calm her, giving her his telephone number.

“He told me to trust them, to trust the Communist Party and everything would be all right.” She left and tried to call him later but there was no answer.

She hopes that the riot will not lead to deeper divisions in her city.

“The Han don’t hate the Uighurs and the Uighurs don’t hate the Han,” she said. “I have sympathy for the Han people who were killed. We need to have ethnic unity.” "
/Times Online
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