Someone call Google and have the lil google camera car do a drive by so we can see the street view.
001/001A/001.. ist for any Kuznetsov-type carrier variantAs to whether 002 will be an actual, different "class," well first, that opens up some bigger questions about how to separate actual ship classes from one another -- is it hull, is it the variation of significant subsystems or ship structures, or difference in various capabilities etc? (rhetorical question)
001/001A/001.. ist for any Kuznetsov-type carrier variant
In the past a lot of carriers got their steam catapults many years after commisioning, so even 001/001A/001.. can get a conversion to a CATOBAR-carrier.
002/002.. is for a new hull not yet defined, may be a modernized Uljanowsk-type carrier or a new Chinese development.
I agree with this.And I also sincerely doubt 001 or 001A will ever get steam catapults in their lifetimes.
Via Sczepanski at the CDF:
Sczepanski said:
It's a hotel or recreation center at Wuhan Lake, as I know
31°06'59.2"N 114°27'51.8"E
It's called "Wulan Lakeview Hotel"
Built at one of the most sensitive naval development centers in China.
Wich is 2 hours away from this mockup.
And this mockup has a resort and hotel next to it.
Doesnt sound like a militairy zone at all.
Interesting.Just out of curiosity I double checked on Google Maps and found that the Wulan/Mulan Lakeview Hotel's actual location is on a different peninsula than the mystery carrier mockup due to the shifted Google Map overlay in China. So unless someone verified locally in real life that this thing is not military, there is still a chance that it is. Here is a map I marked up with the actual vs shifted locations:
Not sure why this comparison is the same when GE measures out a definitively smaller mockup compared to the known dimensions of the Liaoning.
I also measured 292m, which BTW can actually be gauged visually in your latest photo comparison. Also, the widest flight deck beam is only 67m. In any case, the point isn't that they appear approximately similar visually but that we can measure that the "mockup" is definitively smaller than the Liaoning, which IMO would tend to invalidate this structure as a legitimate military mockup. Unless you believe that future Chinese carriers are going to be smaller than the current ones.I think the difference in length is about 20m, a difference of about 6% in length that is pretty hard to gauge visually.