Interesting thought. An observation struck me, that the maximum size of the ship will be limited by the distance to the crane side rail. So I overlayed the blurry image on top of the more clearer image.It looks like the overhang is being put on now, no doubt about that. But I think the ship is large enough that they need to do a lower row of modules first, later followed by an upper row for the flight deck.
The overhang on 002 is thin enough (only 3 decks or so?) that it only needed one layer of modules. But as 003 has 10 decks like a USN carrier, it's probable that the overhang is 5 decks tall, so it makes sense to have separate modules for the lower overhang and upper overhang.
Green line is the crane rail, blue line is the edge of the overhang module. Given that the flight deck will overhang the overhang module, the flight deck should fill up the remaining space.
We should be able get an estimate on the maximum possible dimension of the ship.