middle left-2 x LCAC have moved from water to dry land? progress at least
If you are Pakistani, I would like to express my support and friendship to you. I am deeply moved by how much you care about the whole LCAC business. You and lot of hot-headed stubborn Chinese bloggers here kept on bickering back and forth, and I saw many of them on the brink of using some really bad words against you. But I know your frustration, (at least I think I do). Only your true friends would be frustrated by the shortcomings of you to the point of angering you. This is what we call "逆耳忠言" in Chinese.
@Hendrik_2000: 你们傻啊。你明知道他是来挑事的,你有必要火气冲天地去跟他较真吗?对这种人,这种耍点小流氓嘴脸又耍得愚蠢的人,你不但不应该生气,反而该去祝贺他。要对他说,“哎呀,您真是咱中国人的铁哥们呀!为咱操碎了心!千万要注意身体,别太操劳!咱中国人感谢你。”, 你要说“感谢你的日夜操劳,操碎了心,感化了上帝,让咱中国的‘失败工程’今天逆转了。”
If you are Pakistani, I would like to express my support and friendship to you. I am deeply moved by how much you care about the whole LCAC business. You and lot of hot-headed stubborn Chinese bloggers here kept on bickering back and forth, and I saw many of them on the brink of using some really bad words against you. But I know your frustration, (at least I think I do). Only your true friends would be frustrated by the shortcomings of you to the point of angering you. This is what we call "逆耳忠言" in Chinese.