I view both of thee as very preliminary in terms of the sketches.Fzgfzy has some fresh information regarding the Type 002:
~70,000 tons (likely standard displacement, which would mean 80,000+ tons full load), three catapults and two elevators. There's some speculation saying this is a sign that construction on the 002 is underway.
He also has another surprise for us:
~35,000-ton Landing Helicopter Dock with aft elevator. Make of this what you will...
EDIT: Forgot the![]()
Perhaps not the specifications, but certainly the sketches.
For the carrier, I am surprised that they have no spots for aircraft aft on the starboard side.
I am surprised that their first CATOBAR carrierr would go with only two elevators...and only three cats for that matter. I guess it depends on them wanting to keep the overall displacement below an abslute number perhaps...but the efficacy and sortie rate achievable with the 3 elevators, four cats, and the ability to spot aircraft have been worked out over decades by the US Navy and I would have expected those basic traits to have been transferred.
Anyhow, time will tell with the carrier.
As to the LHA/LHD, I believe that sketch also to be very preliminary.
Yes, the Juan Carlos and Canberras retain the aft large elevator even today like the Tarawa class, but again, the US Navy departed from that aft elevator for some very specific reasons, placing deck edge elevators, one n the starboard and one on the port side.
This all plays into sortie rates again gor the LHD/LHA vessels using VTOL aircraft and VTSLO aircraft and would expect the Chinese to adopt those characteristics if they wanted to gain htose incremental improvements.
Again...time will tell.
Nive to see some of these things from the big shrimps, but I still believe we will see some variance in the actual deck layouts over what we are seeing here.
But, that's just my opinion.