These images are pretty high res and elements of them are nicely visible in GE, allowing size correlation and measurements. Still, I am getting some weird numbers.
The part that is lying on the rail in front of the shelter, and which seems to be turned perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the future ship is rather wide. 43 meters. But the part which is barely visible, sticking a little out of the shelter and which seems to be positioned normally (not perpendicular) is only 34 meters in width.
These parts should very likely be the base parts of the hull, meaning their width should be the waterline beam of the ship. I've no idea why such discrepancy between two parts. Unless the smaller part is somehow not complete? The issue is NOT in perspective as I was careful to measure from two sides, the width of two roads at the intersection, and correlate each part to its respective position. And GE is also not wrong as the measurements there correlate to some known real-world measurements. 052D for example is very much to scale as it should be.
For reference, CdG carrier has waterline beam of 32 m, Kuznetsov has 35 m and Forrestal has 39 m.
The part that is lying on the rail in front of the shelter, and which seems to be turned perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the future ship is rather wide. 43 meters. But the part which is barely visible, sticking a little out of the shelter and which seems to be positioned normally (not perpendicular) is only 34 meters in width.
These parts should very likely be the base parts of the hull, meaning their width should be the waterline beam of the ship. I've no idea why such discrepancy between two parts. Unless the smaller part is somehow not complete? The issue is NOT in perspective as I was careful to measure from two sides, the width of two roads at the intersection, and correlate each part to its respective position. And GE is also not wrong as the measurements there correlate to some known real-world measurements. 052D for example is very much to scale as it should be.
For reference, CdG carrier has waterline beam of 32 m, Kuznetsov has 35 m and Forrestal has 39 m.