From Henri K Qingdao naval base is enlarged and so do Linshui airbase in Hainan. The question why have 2 home ports one in Qingdao and one in Sanya?
The recent satellite images of TerraServer, dated November 11, 2016, show that the work began at the Guzhenkou naval base, 50 km southwest of Qingdao City, to build a second aircraft carrier dock.
The Guzhenkou naval base of the Northern Fleet
The first aircraft carrier dock in Guzhenkou
It can be seen from the satellite images that the prefabricated caissons were deposited at sea some 360 m west of the existing wharf and the backfilling appears to be underway to construct a second wharf, apparently of the same length as the first .
The construction of this second dock Guzhenkou is undoubtedly anticipating receiving the new aircraft carrier
Type 001A ,
, the Chinese navy by 2019.
Henri K.