CV-17 Shandong (002 carrier) Thread I ...News, Views and operations

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Lieutenant General
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Only a little bit more anti-skid coating has been applied to the ski-jump, but there is a lot of scaffolding and activity around the island.

A bit closer ....

002 - 1.jpg 002 - 2.jpg 002 - 3.jpg


Junior Member
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For a ship +310 meters long, with a displacement of 70 000 tons, I have to say that 40 aircrafts is quite low, notably when only 30 of them are actually fighter aircrafts...


Registered Member
For a ship +310 meters long, with a displacement of 70 000 tons, I have to say that 40 aircrafts is quite low, notably when only 30 of them are actually fighter aircrafts...

J-15s are very large aircraft. F-14 size instead of F-18 size, let alone small like Harriers.

Also 30 is probably the amount they put on it during low alert times, like how US supercarriers typically carry 60 aircraft today but easily supported 90 aircraft during the Cold War.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I think the "small" amount of airplanes it can carry is due to several factors. The large size of the J-15, the extra footprint required to carry fuel oil tanks because it is not nuclear powered, possibly issues with internal layout not being optimized. Still I think it is premature to consider those numbers. AFAIK we don't know the real capabilities of the Type 001A. They are extrapolated from the Kuznetsov and may not be accurate at all since this is the first carrier fully built in China which has had some design changes.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Eh so CV-17 is getting a new deck?

I must admit I have not been too up to date, randomly checking updates

But it’s only just done a few sea trials why a new deck?

Has it even done any touch and gos?


Registered Member
For a ship +310 meters long, with a displacement of 70 000 tons, I have to say that 40 aircrafts is quite low, notably when only 30 of them are actually fighter aircrafts...

They might be able to squeeze more if they get J-31s.
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