Hopefully the designer responsible is shot for treason.That's like asking if there is an advantage of having the 346/A if there are 052C/Ds in the area. The answer is that there will not always be a 054A or a 052C/D in the area, whether by attrition or by design.
The sea eagles provide a backup 3D air search capability in case of fail of the main AESA.
The reason why the carrier should duplicate the air search capability of its escorts is it provides a redundant capability in normal operating condition if it's escort's are hit and damaged, and In extremely heavy weather, the much bigger, taller and more stable carrier can provide far more stable radar coverage because the wave crest to trough height in very heavy seas can easily exceed the height of AESA arrays on destroyers, and destroyers can roll from side to side by upto 50-60 degrees from vertical. So destroyers can only provide very spotty and low quality radar coverage when the sea is really heavy.
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