Fuel combusts in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Burning more fuel at the optimal ratio with oxygen requires more oxygen and more air. How much power a boiler of a given design boilers can generate by burning fuel is therefore limited by the rate at which the boiler can ingest air. Without forced draft, a boiler of a given size and design can only naturally ingest air up to a certain rate. Force draft allows more air to be supplied to the boiler than the boiler of a given size can ingest through natural draft.
I think you are confusing Otto cycle with Rankine cycle
In Otto cylce (internal combustion engine) adding turbo charge will increase the air and rate of combustion which in turn add more energy to the piston
because hot air is the medium and directly acted on the piston. So for the same volume it generate more power resulting in smaller engine!
But in Rankine cycle power is created in 2 stages Heat is used to converted water to steam which in turn fed to steam turbine and drive the generator. Adding more heat will only result in more WET steam generated.But the amount of steam admitted to the turbine is limited by governing turbine control valve!
Or else you will get steam turbine over run!. Here steam is the medium to generate power and not the air
Power is depend on the quality of steam the higher the temperature and pressure the higher is the availability of energy.
The way to get higher pressure and temperature steam is to add Superheater!. Reheater, FW heater
If more power is demanded heat is used to increase flue gas temperature and increase steam quality.
It is demand based