Crazy chinese "SWAT" pics

petty officer1

Junior Member



The 2rd picture really, I mean really scares me... the number of PEOPLE!

Red Guard

Junior Member
oh my god....human wave......and it's not really swat. they just dress in police combat dress, they are only CAPF


"the engineer"
what's up with all these one-liners.. if you want to comment, say something useful that contributes to the thread.


New Member
think about it, if all the swat teams in the US were taking part in a coordinated exercise, hey would have more people than that shown on the picture.


Junior Member
jchu1988 said:
think about it, if all the swat teams in the US were taking part in a coordinated exercise, hey would have more people than that shown on the picture.

Can't really figure out what you meant here. If all the SWAT teams in the US were taking part in a coordinated exercise? SWAT doesn't operate like that, so obviously they wouldn't have exercises, so there obviously wouldn't be any pictures of US SWAT numbering as high as the pics above...

I'm arguing circular here. I need more coffee...

I have to admit that a show of force like that would probably be pretty intimidating to anyone that might square off against them, though.


Junior Member
People! Its just PAP. I dont think the 2nd picture is that all the people are going to one place, Ibelieve they will be broken up. Besides, its training, probably some anti-teorrist training of some sort. US SWAT does the same.


New Member
petty officer1 said:

The 2rd picture really, I mean really scares me... the number of PEOPLE!

So armed police use Type 95 rifles while regular army use Type 81 rifles? Why they would do that. First, they should not use a rifle at all, a MP5 like submachine gun is more suitable for close quater combat with criminals. Second, it is strange that armed police get latest generation weapon while regular army are still equiped with previous generation weapons.

Chinese policies tend to all use military equipements. For example, I have seen on video some police snipers use Type 86 or Type 88 rifles. Shoudl they get their own weapons specifically designed for low intense urban conflicts? US SWAT teams seems use M4 now, in contrast to M16 used in military.


Junior Member
netspider said:
Chinese policies tend to all use military equipements. For example, I have seen on video some police snipers use Type 86 or Type 88 rifles. Shoudl they get their own weapons specifically designed for low intense urban conflicts? US SWAT teams seems use M4 now, in contrast to M16 used in military.

Well, generaly speaking, S.W.A.T teams tend to move towards compact firearms, usualy pre-used by the military. The M4 is a good weapon for breaching and room clearing unless civilians are involved. In that instance, they use MP5 submachine guns.

Also, alot of S.W.A.T teams in America use various types of weapons as well. I have seen HK 33, 53 and G-36 rifles (In fact, D.C.P.D recently purchased G-36 rifles and several 100-Round Beta-C mags. For what I have no possible idea.), HK UMP SMG's, FN-FAL rifles and several others including P-90's and the new HK-416's. It really does depend on the department.

I hear that the PAP might be getting the J-95 SMG for their S.W.A.T divisions, either that or they will stick to Type 79 SMG's but with modifications to the firing modes.