So, the conclusion: So, it is possible for western men to join PLA, if they move to China first and gain citizenship. What comes to the other discussion, good mens does become soldiers. If not, this world would be much more darker place to live.
You do realized that as a foreigner, china doesn't give out its citizenship easily. It's not like Canada where you will get one if you stay for x number of years. Last time I heard from the news was that China only grants citizenship to distinguished individuals who made an impact for a better China.
Put it like this. If you want to go to China, live and work there, good luck. But you need a plan before you go as to what you're going to do there, otherwise I think you'll be unhappy. Realistically joining the PLA is not going to happen, so you will need an alternative line of work. Just remember that the Chinese job market is very competitive.
When someone wishes someone else "good luck" in the manner as you did, it is usually a sarcastic thing.
My decision isn´t totally completed yet. It is true that we have conscription in Finland, but it isn´t an army anymore these days. Well, you know, our equipment is a bit outdated. And still, there is a feeling that you should something with your life. I know that I haven´t witnessed chinese lifestyle or culture in that way I could really make that big decision by information so far. Still, the Rising Dragon has always fashinated me within my own way.
Okey, now finally the reason why I wan´t to join PLA:
1. I have always dreamed about moving to foreign country. SWerving in that countrys armed forces would be great way to "pay back" my depth to my new homeland.
2. Why China? Many reasons. New superpower, strong military, enormous economy, strong coverment, chinese girls are beatifull!
3. And no, I´m not warcrazy militant. Actually, I love peace, but not in that way as many think about it. I wan´t to protect peace and wellfare of my beloved ones with arms if necessery.
4. China is not at war apparently.
So if you don't get a place in military academy, getting into Tsinghua University/ Beijing University would be a good alternative and would make your career path more flexible.