Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
Keeping borders close and people safe should always be the upmost priority for any government.
They are selectively closed, not exactly closed per se.
And some of those countries with whom China is relatively open are actually among those hit by covid the most.


New Member
Registered Member
Covid spreading in Russia faster than any other country. It's a shame Russia refuses Chinese vaccines when they can't manufacture vaccine in any meaningful quantity. Shame of nationalism.


Registered Member
Covid spreading in Russia faster than any other country. It's a shame Russia refuses Chinese vaccines when they can't manufacture vaccine in any meaningful quantity. Shame of nationalism.
Russia has never met bottlenecks with production, ironically.
Much of Russian population simply won't take any vaccines unless forced(or unless on deathbed when it's already kinda late).

And of those who aren't opposed to vac campaign in principle, quite a few will only take Holy Pfizer.


Lieutenant General
As I have said before, China’s covid success goes so far beyond mere boarder controls. It’s their entire track, trace and quarantine network that is doing the real hard work. Even the old preferred method of systematic mass testing is becoming far less commonly employed when dealing with new clusters.

The previously much vaunted countries and territories like Australia, HK, Taiwan and Singapore etc that took advantage of their geographical dividend and relied exclusively on boarder controls are exactly the same who are now loosing control. Because no matter how well you secure your boarders, it will be inevitable that someone will slip through. Especially when you have Indians actively faking test results and American Karens and Marens (my term for male Karen) also using fake test and vaccination documents.

I think China’s covid success really is down to a little know and religiously banned from being reported upon by the western MSM factor that is unique to Chinese government - near absolute liability for officials and leaders when things go wrong.

I have seen first hand local officials having their careers ended by things like traffic accidents (admittedly a really bad one with multiple fatalities). That may seem very unfair, and probably it is, but the upshot is that Chinese officials and leaders are basically trained to be able to instinctively spot risks and dangers, and move proactively and aggressively to address them. Because it’s literally their arse if they don’t sort those issues out before an actual incident occurs.

That is a character trait that is really useful and important to have in leaders, and it is a huge factor who how China has been able to be so successful so broadly.

It is also an important nuance that the western MSM has gone out of its way to conceal in terms of why Wuhan’s officials were removed and punished following the initial covid outbreak. The western MSM purposefully applied western officials culpability standards to the Wuhan officials to strongly suggest guilt and culpability. Because you have to almost go out of your way to fuck things up as a western official to have any chance of being found guilty of something.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Given that it's virtually impossible to reach Zero COVID (e.g. zero cases) due to variants AND lack of herd immunity AND vaccine shortages globally....

It's deeply irresponsible and deeply misleading to use "Vaccine effectiveness at preventing asymptomatic infection" as the criteria for judging vaccine quality. Only in clinical trials does it matter as a short-term clinical outcome for FDA approval, but in real-world, death prevention is much more important, not infection.

  1. Vaccines aren't designed to prevent infection, just make you overcome infection faster and stronger than unvaccinated (thereby avoiding death or hospitalization)
  2. Vaccines "WORK" if they prevent death or hospitalization
So it's deeply misleading to talk about INFECTIONS, nobody cares about those so long as those are mild/moderate/asymptomatic. Long COVID is extremely rare among vaccinated.

The FDA and CDC should really really really emphasize that Vaccines save your life, not save you from infection. No vaccine on earth can prevention infections 100%.

This is also good for Chinese vaccines, that while might not be same reduction in risk of infection, they are almost EQUAL in efficacy to reduce hospitalization and death. (which is what "Flattening the Curve" and "Saving Lives" is really all about!)

As I have said before, China’s covid success goes so far beyond mere boarder controls. It’s their entire track, trace and quarantine network that is doing the real hard work. Even the old preferred method of systematic mass testing is becoming far less commonly employed when dealing with new clusters.

The previously much vaunted countries and territories like Australia, HK, Taiwan and Singapore etc that took advantage of their geographical dividend and relied exclusively on boarder controls are exactly the same who are now loosing control. Because no matter how well you secure your boarders, it will be inevitable that someone will slip through. Especially when you have Indians actively faking test results and American Karens and Marens (my term for male Karen) also using fake test and vaccination documents.

I think China’s covid success really is down to a little know and religiously banned from being reported upon by the western MSM factor that is unique to Chinese government - near absolute liability for officials and leaders when things go wrong.

I have seen first hand local officials having their careers ended by things like traffic accidents (admittedly a really bad one with multiple fatalities). That may seem very unfair, and probably it is, but the upshot is that Chinese officials and leaders are basically trained to be able to instinctively spot risks and dangers, and move proactively and aggressively to address them. Because it’s literally their arse if they don’t sort those issues out before an actual incident occurs.

That is a character trait that is really useful and important to have in leaders, and it is a huge factor who how China has been able to be so successful so broadly.

It is also an important nuance that the western MSM has gone out of its way to conceal in terms of why Wuhan’s officials were removed and punished following the initial covid outbreak. The western MSM purposefully applied western officials culpability standards to the Wuhan officials to strongly suggest guilt and culpability. Because you have to almost go out of your way to fuck things up as a western official to have any chance of being found guilty of something.
This is excellent analysis.

I totally agree!
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Registered Member
As I have said before, China’s covid success goes so far beyond mere boarder controls. It’s their entire track, trace and quarantine network that is doing the real hard work. Even the old preferred method of systematic mass testing is becoming far less commonly employed when dealing with new clusters.

The previously much vaunted countries and territories like Australia, HK, Taiwan and Singapore etc that took advantage of their geographical dividend and relied exclusively on boarder controls are exactly the same who are now loosing control. Because no matter how well you secure your boarders, it will be inevitable that someone will slip through. Especially when you have Indians actively faking test results and American Karens and Marens (my term for male Karen) also using fake test and vaccination documents.

I think China’s covid success really is down to a little know and religiously banned from being reported upon by the western MSM factor that is unique to Chinese government - near absolute liability for officials and leaders when things go wrong.

I have seen first hand local officials having their careers ended by things like traffic accidents (admittedly a really bad one with multiple fatalities). That may seem very unfair, and probably it is, but the upshot is that Chinese officials and leaders are basically trained to be able to instinctively spot risks and dangers, and move proactively and aggressively to address them. Because it’s literally their arse if they don’t sort those issues out before an actual incident occurs.

That is a character trait that is really useful and important to have in leaders, and it is a huge factor who how China has been able to be so successful so broadly.

It is also an important nuance that the western MSM has gone out of its way to conceal in terms of why Wuhan’s officials were removed and punished following the initial covid outbreak. The western MSM purposefully applied western officials culpability standards to the Wuhan officials to strongly suggest guilt and culpability. Because you have to almost go out of your way to fuck things up as a western official to have any chance of being found guilty of something.
The other factor is the Chinese people. I recently came across one saying "China has the greatest government and the greatest people" to fight the pandemic. I think this is another reason that is overlooked by the west.

I still remember the next morning (27th Jan 2020) after CCTV announced the order the previous evening, the street was empty, the masks are sold out. People believes in the government, people follow the order, people do not need police to enforce the rule, people enforce the rule on their own initiatives. It is not seen in most of anywhere else. China as a whole acts as one mind and one body.

We have seen this in the recent CPC 100 year anniversary, and it is exactly why China succeeded in the fight of pandemic and everything else.
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