Blaming and torching 5G towers for spreading of corona virus? You could never have guessed that this could happen in some developed country, like the U.S. or the U.K.
Coronavirus: Scientists brand 5G claims 'complete rubbish'
Conspiracy theories claiming 5G technology helps transmit coronavirus have been condemned by the scientific community.
Videos have been shared on social media in Birmingham and Merseyside - along with the claims.
The posts have been shared on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram - including by verified accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers.
But scientists say the idea of a connection between Covid-19 and 5G is "complete rubbish" and biologically impossible.
The conspiracy theories have been branded "the worst kind of fake news" by NHS England Medical Director Stephen Powis.
Conspiracy theory
Many of those sharing the post are pushing a conspiracy theory falsely claiming that 5G - which is used in mobile phone networks and relies on signals carried by radio waves - is somehow responsible for coronavirus.
These theories appear to have first emerged via Facebook posts in late January, around the same time the first cases were recorded in the US.
They appear to fall broadly in to two camps:
Both these notions are "complete rubbish," says Dr Simon Clarke, associate professor in cellular microbiology at the University of Reading.
- One claims 5G can suppress the immune system, thus making people more susceptible to catching the virus.
- The other suggests the virus can somehow be transmitted through the use of 5G technology.
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Masts caught fire in Birmingham and Merseyside, prompting investigations
"The idea that 5G lowers your immune system doesn't stand up to scrutiny," Dr Clarke says.
"Your immune system can be dipped by all sorts of thing - by being tired one day, or not having a good diet. Those fluctuations aren't huge but can make you more susceptible to catching viruses.
"Radio waves can disrupt your physiology as they heat you up, meaning your immune system can't function. But 5G radio waves are tiny and they are nowhere near strong enough to affect the immune system. There have been lots of studies on this."
It would also be impossible for 5G to transmit the virus, Adam Finn, professor of paediatrics at the University of Bristol, adds.
"The present epidemic is caused by a virus that is passed from one infected person to another. We know this is true. We even have the virus growing in our lab, obtained from a person with the illness. Viruses and electromagnetic waves that make mobile phones and internet connections work are different things. As different as chalk and cheese," he says.
It's also important to note another major flaw with the conspiracy theories - coronavirus is spreading in UK cities where 5G has yet to be deployed, and in countries like Iran that have yet to roll out the technology.
There were plenty of scare stories about 5G circulating before the coronavirus outbreak which Reality Check has already looked into, such as this piece:
Earlier this year, a long-running study from the watchdog the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) rebutted these claims, saying
But if anything, the misinformation seems to have escalated.
Trade body Mobile UK has said false rumours and theories linking 5G and coronavirus were "concerning," while the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has reiterated there is "absolutely no credible evidence for the link".
Viruses invade human or animal cells and use them to reproduce, which is what causes infection. Viruses cannot live very long outside a living thing, so they have to find a way in - usually via droplets of liquid from coughs or sneezes.
Genome sequencing of this coronavirus suggests it jumped from animals to humans - and then began to pass from human to human.
N korea should sue UN for trillions of dollar for causing death and economic damage to its nation.UK Think-Tank Seeks Global Solidarity to Sue China for $6.5 Trillion for 'Covering up Coronavirus'
The report says that China could be sued under 10 possible legal avenues, including the International Health Regulations. These regulations became more stringent after the SARS outbreak.
- LAST UPDATED: APRIL 6, 2020, 12:05 AM IST
After the Conservative MPs in UK directed their ire towards China for downplaying the threat of coronavirus, a London-based Conservative think tank has explored possibilities of legally suing China on 10 possible grounds.
The Henry Jackson Society has compiled in its 'Coronavirus Compensation?' report that "China should be sued under international law for trillions of dollars for its initial cover-up of the coronavirus pandemic which has caused more than 60,000 deaths and trillions of dollars in economic damage," London bureau of The Sunday Morning Herald reported.
The report by the think-tank said that damages caused by China amount to at least the £3.2 ($6.5 trillion), which is being spent by G7 nations. It should prop up their domestic economies because the governments forced their citizens to stay at home in order to contain the virus’ spread.
The report emphasised that China owes it to the Australians too, the amount of the compensation that came from Prime Minister Scott Morrison's unprecedented $130 billion in government support for workers and businesses.
UK's observations and reports are in contrast to what China thinks. Senior Chinese figures, including China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, have "endorsed speculative and groundless claims that the virus was imported to Wuhan by the United States military, instead of emerging at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where wild, live animals were traded", said the Sunday Morning Herald report.
The report says that China could be sued under 10 possible legal avenues, including the International Health Regulations. These regulations became more stringent after the SARS outbreak. China also tried to cover up that outbreak.
If China was responsible enough to provide accurate information at an early juncture, "the infection would not have left China,” the report reads. It was only on December 31, China reported to the WHO about the disease and said "there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission".
On the other hand, China reprimanded its whistle blower medics like Li Wenliang. "Some were confident the disease was spreading between humans before this date."
The news reports in South China Morning Post cited Chinese government documents that identified nearly 200 cases of coronavirus by December 27.
As per the The Henry Jackson Society, China acted contrary to the International Health Regulations that expect the nations to monitor and share data related to the spread, severity, and transmission of any pathogens that are potentially transmissible internationally.
China downplayed the data and punished the doctors who sought to tell the truth.
The report calls for global courage and solidarity to take action against China.
The sequence of events and their knowledge says that "the Chinese Communist Party’s response to COVID-19 was in breach of international law".
WHO provides structures to bring suit against China under the International Health Regulations.
Other options could involve using the International Court of Justice and Permanent Court of Arbitration, the World Trade Organisation, bilateral investment treaties and even the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Domestic courts and Chinese courts could also be possible avenues, the report said.
The co-author of the report Matthew Henderson said the Chinese people were also the victims of their government's negligence. They are suffering because of CPC.
"By computing the cost of damage caused to advanced economies and assembling a series of possible legal processes to which the rules-based order can have recourse, we offer a sense of how the free world might seek recompense for the appalling harm the CCP has done,” Mathew said in a report Sunday Morning Herald.