Not how many people dead but the mortality rate. At the beginning of the pandemic, NY has like more than 1/4 of mortality rate for people who hospitalized with coronavirus. Now it is 8%.
Some believe that the shift in infections from old to young is the primary explanation for the drop in mortality. A
concluded that the relationship between infection fatality rate and age may be exponential. The researchers found that the age-specific infection fatality rate was extremely low among children and young adults, measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25. However, the rate progressively increased with age, growing from 0.4% at 55 to around 15% at 85.
Yet some studies show that mortality has decreased among older patients, too. In a cohort of more than 5,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients at NYU, researchers found that mortality rates dropped 18 percentage points from the start of the pandemic, falling from 26% in March to 8% in August.