Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
Can't we just ditch the dollar if it gets bad? I mean yuan is right there and looks pretty great!
I would hedge if I can and if it makes sense to your individual situation. Unfortunately, it may not be practical for many living in USA.

The dollar's been going up relative to other currencies because people are scrambling for cash to pay off their debts. There's an overwhelming of US denominated debt.

Yuan is also bad because its been printing like crazy recently. There's a pointless currency war going on and the people that suffer are the average joe.


Trump threatens to cut funding to WHO.

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In my opinion labelling WHO as China-centric and threatening to cut funding at this point is not a wise way to handle the press/situation. Then again whom am I kidding.

Good, if the U.S. cuts funding, maybe China should provide more funding for WHO.

Here's the reason why one country cannot file a lawsuit against another country.
Posted by "Don Juan" at CDF (Stephen L. Carter teaches Law at Yale University) :

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No, China Can't Be Sued Over Coronavirus
Nation-states are immune from such lawsuits.

By Stephen L. Carter
March 24, 2020, 11:00 AM EDT

There’s no legal solution, but there might be a political one.

This sounds like some laws that were written by and favored imperialist powers that invaded and colonized other countries, so those occupied countries could not sue those colonists. So I guess UK will not sue China for coronavirus, and China will not sue UK for Opium Wars.

Situation in New York metro area:
Note: The unusually high increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths between April 6 and 7 is due to a combination of two factors:
  • A lag in reports from laboratories
  • A large transfer of hospitalization data about patients who were hospitalized before April 6
As of:04/08/2020, 5:00pm
Total hospitalized*:20,474


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Situation in the U.S. on April 8 at 8:00 pm EDT:

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On April 8, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, there are 2 domestic and 61 imported new cases. There are 28 new domestic and 28 imported asymptomatic cases for a total of 56 new asymptomatic cases. There is 1 domestic and 16 imported suspected cases. There are 2 deaths nationwide. There are 77,370 cured cases and 1,160 existing cases. Existing cases in Hong Kong and Macau finally decreased by 2 to 727 in total, after rising from 53 on Mar. 12.



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Yup by guys like chen damin, Zhou xuaochuan, Liu he. They hang around with wallstreet panda huggers too much like Henry Paulson.
And you got guy like Xi who is not very educated and feel insecure and surround himself with Western educated and Pro reform guys.
You are so anti western education yet you belittle Xi's chinese education and you are from/lives in USA? Doesn't make sense.


Lieutenant General
The US is obsessed with how many people in China caught and died from the coronavirus when on the face of it, it's pretty meaningless. Mao said a single death is a great tragedy. A thousand deaths is only a statistic. Does it help the US or any other country fight the coronavirus at home. No. You can literally pinpoint why this started by the date they became obsessed over it. It was the day the US surpassed China in number of cases. They talk about who didn't take the coronavirus seriously. Well how about looking at how before it reached the US, they were talking about the report that said the US was number one in handling outbreaks if it were to happen. Like that didn't contribute to a lax attitude? Someone responsible was going to handle it so everyone else didn't have to worry about it. China's on it best day couldn't be better than them. Even China's draconian measures still wouldn't beat them. It's been quite the opposite. They're still hanging on to it hence why the obsession on China's numbers and they have to be false. I saw an article yesterday that said China was going through a third wave of infection. When did the second wave happen? Why would they have to lie about a second and third wave? Mike Bloomberg when he was running for President got roasted by media pundits for daring to say that even in communist China, the government still has to prove their legitimacy to their people. People were outraged because China is a dictatorship that doesn't care about their own citizens. They order and the citizens must obey without question. Then why would China have to lie about the numbers as accused? That's what they charge all the time that the government is lying to its citizens. It all boils down to those countries obsessed over China's numbers promised to their citizens they have the best system in order to legitimize themselves. If they're not performing the best, they don't have the best system. No amount of draconian steps China took still would have more infections and death because compared with them because their system is superior. Hence why China has to be lying. They are afraid of what they're trying to do with China, happens to them. China right now is opening Wuhan. The West has their journalists reporting from China. They lying too? They can obsess over it all they want. It does absolutely zero in helping to fight against coronavirus in their home countries if they found the answers that would satisfy them. That's in part why they not in control of it. Their minds are on others things that do nothing to fight the coronavirus.


You are so anti western education yet you belittle Xi's chinese education and you are from/lives in USA? Doesn't make sense.
He thinks Xi, Trump, all the CCP/US politicians, and Ren Zhengfei are all idiots. Basically according to him, he's the only person who gets things right.

The mark of a true idiot is one who thinks that everyone else is an idiot. Now it makes sense.
Why does this news NOT make me feel better?

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The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlined new guidance for some critical workers Wednesday that would bring them back into their workplace even if they may have been exposed to the
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Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a coronavirus task force briefing that one of the most important things that can be done
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is to “keep our critical workforce working” provided that they are asymptomatic.


Registered Member
Why does this news NOT make me feel better?

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The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outlined new guidance for some critical workers Wednesday that would bring them back into their workplace even if they may have been exposed to the
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Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a coronavirus task force briefing that one of the most important things that can be done
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is to “keep our critical workforce working” provided that they are asymptomatic.

I think people are getting optimistic at “flattening the curve”.

They think deaths will drop to 0 or something without more intervention.

China brought deaths to 0 and that was way more than flattening a curve.
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I've read the first paragraph already twice, and will do for the third time:

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced new
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guidance Wednesday saying some essential workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 but are not showing symptoms can return to work."

comment? I found an irony in the combination of "Prevention" and "exposed ... can return to work"