If some governments want to blame the Chinese for starting the outbreak, fine! they can do that. As Trump said, the virus did come from China. As of today, most of the genomic and epidemiological studies are consistent with this conclusion. To this day, I have not seen anything convincing to say otherwise. I don't care much about any of the conspiracy theories. I want to see hardcore scientific data. To this day, I have not seen any. Before I see that, the current conclusion still stands. The virus originated in China, maybe Wuhan and some other places.
With that being said, you will also need to give credit where the credit is due. The Chinese have shared almost all their information on the virus itself and the outbreak in China. Almost everything they've shared have been checked out by the professionals around the world. The sad thing is that, although all the medical professionals around the world have been very well informed of the COVID-19 by their Chinese colleagues, their politicians simply refuse to listen. Governments around the world simply ignored the warnings of their own medical professionals after the experts have learned the grave danger of this virus from their Chinese colleagues. Then when poop hits the fan, the politicians simply tossed away the fact that the Chinese doctors and scientists have given them everything that they had and desperately tried to warn them of the danger since early January.
Some politicians tend to use confusing part of the data, such as the unreported cases, to discredit China. However, it is absolutely natural to have confusing data. This is a new virus and it makes perfect sense to have confusing things. Modern medicine and biology in general are confusing. Most of the biological molecules, which we may have studied for decades, are still confusing to most of us. It would not make any sense if, all of a sudden, everything about COVID-19 all lines up! That's actually a huge warning sign that something fishy is going on... Yet, some politicians take advantage of these honest and confusing parts and discredit the scientists.