I don't expect COVID to attenuate much more than omicron.
It doesn't have much more attenutating to go before it's really like a common flu. People die from the flu in the thousands every year but we are still above that natural number. It's been coming down; there's no reason to believe that this is where it stops. Also, whenever the lethality decreases a bit, a large number of people will go from death to ill and another large number of people will go from ill to barely affected, etc... It takes a little to make a huge difference.
Millennia after it began, smallpox killed hundreds of millions in the 20th century. For centuries after the Black Death, the plague repeatedly came back to Europe every generation, killing millions each time. HIV still has a 100% untreated death rate after more than half a century.
There are two additional factors to consider:
1. Respiratory viruses tend to attenuate faster than other viruses, most likely due to the ease of spread increasing the rate of mutation and evolution. Viruses "want" to evolve into something in a commensalist relationship with the host because then the host will tolerate it without issue. Viruses that kill their hosts are the least likely to survive and proliferate.
2. A pandemic gives the virus a surge of oppertunity and selective pressure to turn into something benign. This is far less for low rate (rarer) lingering diseases.
That is why while most pandemics arise from respiratory viruses, none of them have lasting power. SARS, MERS, Spanish Flu, Swine flu are all gone.
FYI, Black plague is caused by a bacteria (Yersenia pestis) and the untreated death rate for HIV is not 100%; many people who are infected with HIV will never progress to AIDS.
Maybe that's a bit of overthinking. On these issues I tend to go for simple explanations.
The CIA has a mandate to promote unrest in China. The CIA notices that there is growing tension from the zero covid policy. Some incident happens that causes a spontaneous protest to happen.
The CIA feels that its opportunity has arrived and thus starts activating its China-based assets to foster more protests and change the protest narrative (from zero covid to down with Xi, CPC, we want freedom and other such bs), see the pathetic Shanghai protests for example.
They might have actually done a favour to China because now the timeline for ending zero covid has most likely significantly accelerated lol
If that's true, then they haven't done China any favour at all. China's exit from COVID Zero must be entirely on China's own terms, without distraction, and based completely on scientific and other empirical evidence with a large margin of error. Allowing the CIA to affect it by pushing it sooner or later than planned will both incurr costs to China.