But the butt hurt committee from the brave, strong, and freedom zombies have lost their collective shit and have spewed their venoms against the article and the students who "voiced their experience" calling them spoiled and coddled which are freaking hilarious.
It's so darn funny and ironic to see these vermin squirm when the shoes are on their feet because they can't even take a slight criticism not just for their incompetent government but to their overall mentality. When the initial outbreak in China happened and it wasn't clear what was going on they immediately cheered and declared that the now deceased Optamologist was suppressed for jumping the gun and making assumptions based on incomplete data. But now these same vermins are saying that covid-19 is nothing but another common cold variety and that governments and people are trying to make hay out of a nothing burger for "control" and "panic".
Lastly, if the article was written negatively against China and it's "draconian" handling then having these students chiming in that their freedoms in Britain is a breathe of fresh air smelling covid-19 lol...that would be heralded and used as evidence to propagate against China and all the usual parlor tricks...
Some Westerners are just nothing but hypocrites and the most brittle people to be criticized. I thought they value free speech?