Xi's speech to the Politburo Standing Committee on Feb 3 (in Chinese)
Xi mentioned that COVID-19 was discussed in a PBSC meeting on Jan 7, that two days after the identification of SARS-COV-2 on Jan 5 in a Shanghai lab and on the same day as the second sequencing of the virus was completed in the Wuhan lab. That was fast response. I recant all my earlier allegations of possible cover ups at the National Health Commission. You don't hide information when 1) you are no at fault and 2) the issue is already on the agenda of PBSC.
I still think that a better decision-making procedure and communications between scientists and policy makers could have lead to an earlier introduction of public health measures, that communication to the public could have been better, that human to human transmission could have been more aggressively tested, and that it was an incredible failure of basic competence that information on COVID-19 cases didn't reach the CDC headquarter in Beijing in time because of a poorly designed computer reporting software. But those were either technical or isolated structural problems. I do have deep reservations about China's political culture under Xi, but really the political system doesn't seem to be the culprit here as so many people have claimed. The idea that free flow of information without the intervention from public health authorities could have slowed the outbreak siginiciantly is way too optimistic, just look at Japan.
Some Western journalists and 'experts' and Chinese dissents in their own little Twitter bubble seems to think the report of the Jan 7 meeting was some kind of smoking gun that the Chinese government knew how severe the outbreak was on Jan 7 and chose to cover it up (read Bill Bishop's twitter), which is ridiculous: the emergence of a new pneumonia-causing coronavirus with even just the potential for human to human transmission is by itself a very serious matter. The assumption that PBSC wouldn't have discussed the issue unless they
knew it's infectious is just non-sense.
Seriously, every time I had doubts about China's political system, just reading comments by the Western journalists/Chinese dissents would make me realize the system's opponents were far more stupid.