I remember kicking off this exact discussion some time ago.
The talk kind of died off because:
1. Not happening without CJ-1000
2. If the military wanted to make it happen due to national need, it could have develop a parallel project with all Chinese subsystems, but probably the cost is not justified
That was then, this is now.
1. CJ-1000A is making steady progress and should be ready before 2025. They may have to get it ready for prime time anyway because LEAP-1C's availability in future might be in danger.
2. Not sure about the argument, exact opposite is true now actually. Why start a new project when you have C919. If previously the idea is to utilize/leverage foreign subsystems as much as possible and carefully protect the civilian C919 from the military purpose, now the prospect of C919 being sanctioned is getting real by the day. Which means that you need to accelerate any Plan B or import substitution programs for C919 now, which further means that that concerns or prohibition for adapting C919 for military purpose are no longer there.