Al Jazeera is a reputable and neutral news source, unlike for example, CNN or The National Interest or Business Insider.
In my opinion, you were either unable to distinguish an Al-Jazeera program, which happens to be a major, credible global media network from a "random, low-quality Youtube content" or you have a habit of commenting on posts without going through the content. And now you are asking me to convince you that Al Jazeera are a neutral news source?
It is well known that the United States, among other things, put a lot of pressure on the Qatar Government to either close al jazeera down or to limit their coverage of US wars and policies in the middle east. If you are interested, you can read more about it here:
However, I do admit that the US govt has not banned Al Jazeera broadcasts within the US, but it was geoblocked by Al Jazeera themselves due to commercial reasons. But that hardly invalidates my point. The United states has both covertly and openly tried to censor al jazeera, as have other governments, including that of other 'oil sheiks' like UAE Jordan and other US allies.
It seems that you hold Al Jazeera in high regard because you find agreeable its coverage of one narrow, non-technical subject, namely U.S. foreign policy.
Putting aside whether Al Jazeera is 'neutral' or respectable, which is a can of off-topic worms, may I ask how does Al Jazeera's reporting on U.S. foreign policy translate into competence in covering the COMAC 919 and the Chinese civil aviation industry? You seem to conflate the perceived neutrality of a news outlet with its competence in covering specialized technical subjects. Do you go to your trusted car mechanic for medical advice or tax preparation?
- The original poster clearly stated why he was sharing the video. He later also clearly described how to translate the transcript into english. I had no problem with translating it.
I don't know which forum rules you've been reading, but here's the relevant section, with the applicable parts underlined: "
posting a link to a video that is a podcast or an "information video" (and thus more likely to be content of a "questionable quality") should be accompanied by an explanation for why it is being posted such as what section is relevant, what information is new, and to justify its presence overall."
As you can see, the original poster most definitely did
not clearly spell out why he was sharing the video, because his statement is made up of merely four words: "
Interesting view from Arabs". There was no explanation as to which part of the video is relevant or what information presented is new, not to mention the video does not at all purport to represent the "view(s) of Arabs".
- The video is relevant to the topic of the thread as it is specifically about the C919
- The video has balanced and generally positive coverage of the C919 from a foreign source.
None of the above criteria appeared in the amendments. Please don't misrepresent the rules, instead, make an effort to actually
read them.
You pitched in and accused the poster of "spamming" the thread. You clearly hadn't watched the video, and you hadn't checked to see where the video was from, but you still went ahead and called it "random, low-quality Youtube content". I sincerely suggest you to read the forum rules you cited again.
Where did you get the idea that I hadn't watched the video? For the record, I
have watched it because my interest was piqued by OP's click-bait statement that it represented the views "from Arabs". Unfortunately, it was 20 minutes of my life that I will never get back. The first 12 minutes of the video was for all practical purposes a recitation of the
on the abortive Y-10 passenger jet. The remaining eight minutes were spent skimming through the history of the C919, listing its parts vendors, only briefly touching on why China is pursuing the project and whether China will succeed. It was a laughably shallow video, nothing more than a regurgitation of open-source information haphazardly thrown together, complete with a click-bait title (How did China make the latest passenger plane? Will America kill the project?) whose central questions were barely touched on and never answered. It's about as sophisticated and well-put-together as a CNN investigative report. In other words, it's a big nothing-burger that presents nothing new or of value, nothing that we haven't already covered and discussed and debated ad nauseam and in much greater detail on this very thread, and absolutely nothing anyone couldn't find on Wikipedia, which presents the information in 29 languages so that there is no need to squint for 20 minutes trying to comprehend a machine translation of machine-generated subtitles. Most egregiously, contrary to OP's click-bait claim, the video doesn't present the views on the C919 "from Arabs".
What an utter waste of time and screen real estate!
Sharing this video here is akin to a high-school student excitedly posting his five-page presentation on Newtonian mechanics to an academic forum for physicists, complete with the click-bait title "Why Sir Isaac Newton Deeply Regretted Publishing
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia and Attempted To Retract It".
All of the above simply begs the burning question: you deem this video to be of sufficient quality to justify its presence, why?
P.S. I should be the one asking
you: did
you watch the video?