The ZF850 turbojet from Jiangxi Zhongfa Tianxin Engine Technology Ltd. It will soon be used on the Cloud Shadow UCAV. Two pre-production samples have already been delivered, with four more to be delivered by year end 2020. Serial production will commence in 2021. The company is currently exhibiting the engine at the ongoing Nanchang Aviation Conference/Show.
Some academic and industry heavyweights have just , which was previously covered here and here. The experts observed the test run of a certain unnamed engine. I wonder if it's the ZF1000A intended for an unmanned combat drone similar to the Loyal Wingman or simply the ZF850 turbojet for the Cloud Shadow...
Also of some interest is the first image below. In the background it shows a project development timeline. For the year 2021 and 2022, it appears to show the ZF1000A turbofan introduction/integration into what appears to be Loyal Wingman-like UCAV.
wonderful. I really like WL-10. I wonder if it has joined service anywhere. Will be an upgrade over GJ-2. Maybe we will see more photos at Zhuhai airshow.The EOT-470 optoelectronic turret, currently equipped on the Wingloong-10 UCAV. It can spot potential targets from 50km away and positively identify them from 35km away. The laser targeting system can provide long-distance guidance from 20km away and provide precision strike guidance from 13.5km away.
CAAA CH-7 Uçan Kanat İHA biraz daha iyi bilinmektedir. L 10m, kanat açıklığı 22m, MTOW 13t, 13km / 0.6Ma'da seyir, Vmax 0.75Ma. Konumlandırma: Stratejik tanıma ve yüksek değerli hedeflere ulaşma. İlk uçuş 2019, seri üretim 2022.
That 3 second shot felt more like a trick of the camera than the drone actually launching and hitting something. The UGV earlier in the video is definitely legit though and is a much more interesting use of the technology.Kind of a gimmicky application.