BZK-005 from the actual parade (high-resolution):
FORBIN Lieutenant General Registered Member Sep 4, 2015 #1,662 Only recc drone he is in service in 2 PLAN Aviation Rgts one ESF and one for SSF, how many ?
N newguy02 Junior Member Registered Member Sep 10, 2015 #1,667 by78 said: The WZ-100 concept drone: Click to expand... Amazing Concept, is it actually under development for the PLAAF?
by78 said: The WZ-100 concept drone: Click to expand... Amazing Concept, is it actually under development for the PLAAF?
N no_name Colonel Sep 10, 2015 #1,668 second pic of WZ-100 reminds me of the sentinel from the Matrix for some reason. In fact I wonder if such up-and-personal attack drones will have more psychological impact on the opponent than a predator type that hovers at altitudes.
second pic of WZ-100 reminds me of the sentinel from the Matrix for some reason. In fact I wonder if such up-and-personal attack drones will have more psychological impact on the opponent than a predator type that hovers at altitudes.
vesicles Colonel Sep 10, 2015 #1,669 newguy02 said: Amazing Concept, is it actually under development for the PLAAF? Click to expand... My question too! This concept looks awesome! Is the PLA seriously considering this concept?
newguy02 said: Amazing Concept, is it actually under development for the PLAAF? Click to expand... My question too! This concept looks awesome! Is the PLA seriously considering this concept?
AssassinsMace Lieutenant General Sep 11, 2015 #1,670 Some UAVs coming out of the expo. I tried to doing search for that bee UAV but found nothing. They should make a big one to carry people.
Some UAVs coming out of the expo. I tried to doing search for that bee UAV but found nothing. They should make a big one to carry people.