Introduction excerpt of Wang's 1991 "America against America":
这本书的根本目的在于探讨美国这个社会的政治和社会管理过程 有什么样的政治和社会管理,便有什么样的社会发展 人类的社会生活也罢,政治生活也罢,文化生活也罢是无限错综发杂的交织的网络。 这个书名的用意在于表明,美国不是一个简单的均质的整体,用一句话就可以打发掉。在过去的年代,人们从教条主义的观念出发,把美国仅仅看成是“剥削剩余价值”,“资产阶级专政”,看的一无是处,那么现实的美国便会反对这样的美国,僵化观念中的美国。如今又出现了另一种极端,有的人把美国想象成富丽天堂,十全十美,那么现实的美国同样反对这样的美国,理想化的美国 主导政治的权势集团是凌驾于平民百姓之上的 美国的经济决策权主要的控制在私人财团手中,这是民主吗?这是不民主吗?恐怕也不能用一个字来回答
The basic premise of this book was to discuss the political and social management process of the United States. The characteristics and basis of political and social managements will always influenced and led to social development under the aforementioned basis. Humans' social, political or cultural interactions between one another are ultimately intertwined network with endless overlaps and crossovers. The title of this book "America against America" was to show that, United States is not a simplified universal entity that could be summarized by one sentence. In the past, people had, from a dogmatism perspective, viewed America as merely "exploitation of surplus values", "capitalism dictatorship", or anything that demeaned the USA into without any merits. In doing so, the America of reality would surely be against the aforementioned portrays of America, an America with inflexible perception. Nowadays however, there existed a new trend, where some people portraying the US as the Utopia or paradise of plentiful, where everything is perfect. In doing so, the America of reality would likewise be against this portray of America as well, an over-idealized America.
The interest groups, political cohorts and other influential classes that dominated the US politics are in no doubt well above the scope of any commoners in America. The control and making of America's economic policy-making are in the hands of private corporations, banks and institutions. Are the aforementioned two characters symbolism of democracy? Or are they characters of a undemocratic country? Such questions cannot be simply answer by one word or one sentence.