Chinese Soft Power and Media Discussion and Updates


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Sharing its advanced scientific facilities and platforms with the world is a kind of soft power that China has been gaining slowly. Other examples including the space station, the FAST radio telescope, Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, to name just a few.

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中核集团首席专家 陈东风:咱们国家这个堆,可能还要面向国家重大需求,解决我们国家的核工业、航天、航空和能源、交通领域的一些问题。


中核集团原子能院研究员 郝丽杰:中子穿透性非常强,它就犹如孙悟空的火眼金睛,可以透过金属材料、非常厚重的材料去看见内部的缺陷,这些都是其他射线难以做到的。


中核集团原子能院党委书记 薛小刚:我们今年的目标是要运行100天以上,在2024年我们力争运行在200到250天以上。欢迎国际朋友,到我们平台上来做科研工作,共同开创一些新的领域。

服务国家重大工程 助力高质量发展



中核集团原子能院高级工程师 李玉庆:我们可以不用破坏整个轮子,然后测到深度大概40毫米距离的深部的应力的分布。中子最大的特点就是无损检测。


中国工程院院士 王海舟:信息采集完以后,对于高铁车轮服役状况的预测、对于将来延长使用寿命都有很好的作用。对车轮将来结构的设计,以及车轮的整个成分组织结构的改进都会有很好的作用。


中国科学院院士 张焕乔:我们国家投资了10亿人民币建造了这个高中子通量的先进反应堆,同时又在反应堆上投资了5亿多人民币,建成了15台先进中子谱仪。这个装置在国际上应该说是具有很强竞争能力的中子科学平台,所以应该得到充分的应用。我相信这些谱仪的利用能够在多学科取得巨大的成就。






北京大学考古文博学院副教授 胡钢:当时的制作工艺是怎么样一个过程,我们特别想知道。我们在保护修复过程中,每一个细微的环节,如果操作不当,有可能把它的信息给破坏或者改变。


北京大学考古文博学院副教授 胡钢:中子成像的结果明确显示,下面应该是用了某一些胶结材料把它进行有效的固定,这个很有意义,在保护修复当中我们就可以更好注意。从科技价值认识来说,我们能够更好地把这件器物的制作工艺呈现出来。


中核集团原子能院研究员 贺林峰:我们每天都可以碰到不同的用户,会讲他们不同的科研故事,这个对我们来说是一个非常兴奋、非常有意思的事。实际上每一个对象对我们来说都是一个盲盒,永远不知道有什么新的发现。


Registered Member
The critics, their old gen films.
They always make the same things over and over again.
That's what you get for outsourcing the production of arts to the degenerate capitalist class instead of keeping government control, just because in the days of Mao, things went "too fast and too hard" in the opinion of some pro-western "thinkers"(read:brainlets).

Endless squabbling over whether it is appropriate or not to have frontal sex in tv series, constant "artsy" and other purposeless content.

American entertainment media is a case of succesful government control in the past, now become a failure because the government's values do not align with what most consider good taste. Chinese entertainment media is an example where no attempt to even control was made, thus causing the control to automatically go to the feeble minded in the movie industry.

Movies should entertain but also inspire awe for the socialist system, promote Chinese values globally, suppress and ridicule the values of the enemy. These are the only things that should need to have quotas, any "critic" or "politician" saying something else is either feeble minded or willingly a traitor trying to obfuscate Chinese media.


Junior Member
Registered Member
That's what you get for outsourcing the production of arts to the degenerate capitalist class instead of keeping government control, just because in the days of Mao, things went "too fast and too hard" in the opinion of some pro-western "thinkers"(read:brainlets).

Endless squabbling over whether it is appropriate or not to have frontal sex in tv series, constant "artsy" and other purposeless content.

American entertainment media is a case of succesful government control in the past, now become a failure because the government's values do not align with what most consider good taste. Chinese entertainment media is an example where no attempt to even control was made, thus causing the control to automatically go to the feeble minded in the movie industry.

Movies should entertain but also inspire awe for the socialist system, promote Chinese values globally, suppress and ridicule the values of the enemy. These are the only things that should need to have quotas, any "critic" or "politician" saying something else is either feeble minded or willingly a traitor trying to obfuscate Chinese media.
For this view, I believe that too much hope should not be placed on the government propaganda departments that have become severely rigid and detached from the masses.
Last month's official media caused a series of serious publicity disasters, in this extremely harsh environment where workers are treated, they are still promoting the disgusting success myth of "work hard, the days will become sweeter".

Among the youth community, films such as "The Second Spring/第二个春天" and "Break/决裂" shot in 1975 suddenly regained popularity.
These films are a summary of the theoretical thought of "continuing revolution", which severely criticized the elitism tendency of intellectuals and bourgeois ideology in the educational policy.
However, nowadays, the erroneous ideas of education corruption, detachment from reality, superstition in authority, and bureaucracy that were once severely criticized still exist and are even more serious.
The most ironic thing is that the two films I mentioned suffered a comprehensive political rejection after the end of the Cultural Revolution.

I would like to put it bluntly: the current government favors social elites who can provide taxes. They are no longer able to empathize with workers, so what you see now are arrogant and annoying propaganda slogans, as well as "experts" who make shameless remarks for interest groups.

How do you think it would be better for the government to intervene more? What else would they do besides issuing various unpleasant bans?
Why are there so many absurd soap operas about the Anti Japanese War? Because of political correctness, this is the only subject with loose inspection standards, so all film and television workers choose to shoot this "safe" subject, and put those subjects that are restricted to shooting into it.
This is the result of what you imagine as' government intervention '. At present, their management ability is completely inadequate for the "guidance direction" you imagine.