Chinese shipbuilding industry


Displacement could be deceptive, evidenced by the fact Philippines' "new" frigates BRP Gregorio del Pilar and BRP Ramon Alacraz each displaces about 3,250 tons, but no one in his or her right mind would say they're more capable than PLAN's 053H2/3 FFGs at around 2,400 tons.

Tonnage has its limitations, but it provides a way to compare even very differently constituted navies, and much more effectively than the other 'baseline' alternative of quantity. Surely you would not deny that the growth recorded on my graph does indeed correlate with increasing capability?

interesting note ROC is up there at #11.

Using my criteria (i.e. just counting destroyers/frigates/corvettes >1k tonnes) ROC is currently at 128k tonnes compared to 46k for Australia.

Going forward, however, ROC is likely to decline to 70-110k tonnes, with the lower end of that range assuming 10 new 3k tonne frigates, including replacement of the La Fayettes, while the upper range assumes 15 new frigates, not including replacing the La Fayettes. Both figures include 4 new 10k tonne destroyers replacing the current Kee Lung/Kidd class.

It's interesting to note that the Chinese navy will probably surpass the Russian navy in terms of tonnage by next year.

Realistically this happened some years ago. Many 'active' Russian ships are not really operational. In another 10-15 years, when the last Soviet era hulks are gone in favour of new vessels, we will get a much more accurate figure.
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A Newly Built Submarine Mother Ship in Jiangnan
I think it is a rescue ship. A submarine mother ship ( are they still used ) would have accomodation for submariners as well as maintenance facilities for the submarines. They were useful to have relatively slow and short ranged submarines, compared with modern boats, operate near the enemy's shipping lines, so in WWII in the Pacific.


I think it is a rescue ship. A submarine mother ship ( are they still used ) would have accomodation for submariners as well as maintenance facilities for the submarines. They were useful to have relatively slow and short ranged submarines, compared with modern boats, operate near the enemy's shipping lines, so in WWII in the Pacific.

Indeed it is a salvage and underwater rescue ship operated by CRS - China Rescue and Salvage, under the Ministry of Transport.


Junior Member
A Newly Built Submarine Mother Ship in Jiangnan


According to the news, this "Deep Diving" is a mother ship of a saturation diving system which can be deployed to 300 meter deep. The system includes a 12-man living chamber, a 3-man diving bell, and other underwater facilities. And she was built in Wuchang and commissioned in Qing-dao at 2012.

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China has produced its first 100% IPR owned drilling ship.

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Also i think that this newspiece from last month went unreported here: carnival will help china built its first cruise ship.

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China Delivers First P18N Offshore Patrol Vessel to Nigerian Navy
According to local media, the first of two P-18N offshore patrol vessels (OPV) ordered by the Nigerian Navy was delivered today at the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company (CSOC)'s Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan, China. CSOC is part of the part of the State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). This OPV, reportedly nammed The Century, is the first patrol ship China has exported to West Africa.
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