The current energy prices result of this meeting last December. the meeting was not in video conference despite lack of confidence on vaccines at time. It is Arab world responsibility to create conditions for elevated prices.You also misunderstand what a reserve currency is. A reserve currency is a reserve currency not just because you can buy goods and services with it but because you can freely exchange it for real assets. With American dollars you can buy American land, companies (with only slight fuss unless you are in the Axis of Evil (tm)), real estate, government bonds, etc.
do you think Russia is offering stocks, bonds, real estate in exchange ?
to balance that high prices Russia has to keep Euro stronger relative to dollar so that Europeans are not impoverished before transition of Russia to new infrastructure. Russia hardly has dollar so how it afford big infrastructure projects?. It is not just buying a product. but retaining skilled labor that run the supply chains and projects effectively and efficiently in the most complex locations. where is the role of reserve currency. as by your logic only reserve currency can retain talent. i mean real talent.